Ranger feedback

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Re: Ranger feedback

Post by Makfly » 19 May 2011 15:46

Draugor wrote:Well... the rangers re true, both in book and film :P
The army of angmar is not exactly what it is in gen but I do think it exists if its the witchking of angmars army.

The current version of the morgul mages on the other hand!
Never read them messing about with fireballs and stuffs, quite handy with weapons tho
There are mention of Rangers of the North and we meet Rangers in Ithilien, but nothing about Rangers of Gondor.
Witchkings army was ages ago in the timeline of the ME domain of Genesis, and there are no mention of any Army of Angmar, or remants of the Witchkings army near the Misty Mountains.
There are nazguls, yes, but no mention of mages, a society or any such things

My point is that making things up are okay, and it's happened since the beginning. Just make it "believable" in context of the books. :)
Mortimor Makfly - Gnomish Xeno-Anthropologist


Re: Ranger feedback

Post by Laurel » 19 May 2011 15:48

Makfly wrote:Have the whole domain be their fox hole, with secret entrances/exits/hiding holes all over the place.
what makes you think that's not in place already? ;)

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Re: Ranger feedback

Post by Zingil » 19 May 2011 16:21

... and the Rangers of Gondor were closed seven years ago...

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Re: Ranger feedback

Post by Kas » 19 May 2011 17:13

Laurel wrote:
Makfly wrote:Have the whole domain be their fox hole, with secret entrances/exits/hiding holes all over the place.
what makes you think that's not in place already? ;)

Dem pesky rangers, got all the bells and whistles already! :D
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Re: Ranger feedback

Post by Makfly » 19 May 2011 19:20

I know all of this already.
Though I don't know why people sometime seems determined to deliberately misconstrue/"disprove" fragments of an argument, and ignore the message.

I know the Rangers have a few hidey-holes, and I also know the RoG has been closed for a long time.
I put up some examples of where the Wizards in the past have created content of their own, that was not in the books, and concerning the hide-outs, I just think they should have more as well as having a decentralized structure than what they've had and still have.
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Re: Ranger feedback

Post by Padraig » 20 May 2011 03:52

I'd like to see the Rangers be improved substantially. I've heard lots of things OOC but nothing I can share...such as some of their abilities being able to be used anywhere, and last longer. *cough*

In all seriousness, despite me never having a 'Full' Ranger and never being likely to have one ever again...I still think they need to be improved combat wise. Thematically, it's tough to be a defender of the Free Peoples if you're relatively impotent and rely on your layman guild for your only real damage ability. I don't know the extent of the damage from the 'knee' attack but I can't imagine it's very much.

I still have trouble picturing Rangers using pitchforks as weapons. Swords are so much better when considering their need for stealth, concealment and lightweight-across country travel.
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Re: Ranger feedback

Post by Johnny » 20 May 2011 05:05

I took would like to see the Rangers get buffed in the combat area. I mean, Aragon and Faramir were both Rangers and both were amazing in combat. Aragon took on what 5 mages and made them run? Faramir doesn't quite have that resume but he still hacked through orcs. The missiles skill should be used a bit more, why not in close combat they be able to stab their enemy in the eye with their arrow or slash at them of course not while they are aiming. The brawling is nice and just be more prepared when combating a ranger. I also believe that animals around Middle-Earth should be able to notify the descriptions of people who have passed by them and about how long ago and what not.

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Re: Ranger feedback

Post by Rhaegar » 30 Oct 2011 14:14

Alorrana wrote:Okay, here are my thoughts on the rangers..

Personally. I dont think the ranger should have a guild as such. they are rebels who live in the wild and on different inns and sorts..

The should be able to have a tent to place anywhere they want in ME when they quit, and the tent wouldnt be able to be robbed or entered, and the rangers could keep 2 weapons, 1 shield, 1 full set of body armours.
give them all a private little rack(tent) give them hideouts where they can choose to meet up and crave messages in trees and what not for rangers only to read.

wacky or ?

Would you please re-read the part of LotR when Frodo and his 2 "aides" run into Faramir?

Giving Rangers 1 guildhall is a good idea, with dwindling player numbers it could be beneficial to keep people together instead of spreading them over several places. It's hard to speak about it on the forums without revealing the guild secrets so I guess I'll send a mail in the game instead or PM you.

With the current (by "current" I mean the state of the game when I was last playing it, which was some months ago) way the game is being played Rangers could definitely use some more combat power instead of relying on their layman to do any damage at all. We're way past highest level in the game being veteran (that's the equivalent of old champion) and being able to get away with just your basic attacks. Even though I love the overall feel of the Ranger, I believe that shifting the guild focus from "merry woodsman" to "brigand" would be beneficial for the guild. I'd rather see Rangers as the true guerilla warfare masters. Setting traps is a nice idea, but a bit too situational (even though I can recognize the fun in placing several traps outside of a room with powerful NPC when someone is fighting it). I'd rather see some other way of setting ambushes and sneaky tactics (backstab equivalent, weapon poisoning perhaps, throwing nets at people and immobilizing them, etc.).
It's hard to really gauge how things should be changed, seeing how Genesis has shifted to favor extremes and not well-rounded things (and ranger-type guilds are well-rounded by desing). The problem is, towards which extreme should Rangers shift? Rogue or Fighter?

The same problem remains when it comes down to Elven Archers of Ansalon, the guild offers nothing past their layman and has really nothing to do with archery the way it works on Genesis. I'd be all after changing it into generic ranger/archer/hunter guild, free to join for anyone and sporting some combat skills (axe, knife and bow namely) as well as pets instead of magic. It would be a well-rounded guild with combat skills, stealth skills and general skills but leaning more towards fighter style (combat skills being the highest and pets helping out in combat).

P. S.
I'd love it if Genesis would steal one of the ideas for Ranger from Guild Wars 2 and give us the ability to utilise torch as a weapon, setting enemies on fire and stuff like that. :twisted:
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Re: Ranger feedback

Post by Recoba » 30 Oct 2011 16:09

Let's see:

- Rangers sneak and hide and are fierce when entering combat.
- They know healing spells.
- They defend against the darkness of the East.

I think brawl is a very cool special and it'd be a shame to remove it. The "tricky fighting" is cool considering their "behind-the-lines" mission and their need to escape from overwhelming numbers and disappear into the forest.

I agree with giving them bows, that would be a cool thing in tune with the theme.
(though the suggestion of "hide in combat" would cause game-wide problems I think).

Some kind of bow special that initiates combat with a high-damage attack would be cool. This would emphasize their stealth approach, making them want to be the ones to initiate combat. Restricting it to initiation only will also enable it to do more damage, right? More dramatic and more effective in the right situations:)

I like Rangers with swords too. Sword and bow would be the most suitable weapons for them. They could use their high-damage initiate-combat special with the bow and then draw their sword and brawl.

Just some thoughts.

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Re: Ranger feedback

Post by Uther » 30 Oct 2011 19:23

As far as I have understood it Rangers have bows allready.
But the damage from the bows are LOW,

When Rangers are starting to do the same dmg as a Qualinesti elf with bows.. That day I will join the rangers :)

Well seriously. A bow and arrow should do more dmg then it does today without getting to realistic here.

All comments are made by the player behind Uther, NOT THE CHARACTER UTHER!

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