Roleplay, ftw!

Discuss ideas about promoting Genesis and inviting more players into the Genesis community
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Re: Roleplay, ftw!

Post by Gadez » 04 Sep 2011 16:36

*wave Laurel* I guess. Though you are rather more likely to see me off.

It all boil downs to what kind of game it is that we really want. I’ve lost that battle before, and I guess I’ll be losing that battle again. But make no mistake: “The system isn’t perfect”, “It would not be fair”, and similar non-arguments are simply ways of hanging on to and perpetuating the status-quo and the subjectivity you are too lazy or simply incapable to spell out and defend, the familiarity you are afraid to break with, and privileges which it brings.

Good night, and good luck.

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Re: Roleplay, ftw!

Post by Zingil » 04 Sep 2011 17:29

Gadez wrote:
As an aside note: I’d love for the actors club (from which I gladly booted almost all members) to find a new role in the Realms (suggestions very much welcome), perhaps even to organize acting events of various sorts (suggestions again very much welcome).
Just reactivating the Actors' Club would, in itself, be a very big step forward in promoting roleplay Gadez. Potential membership in the Actors' Club was for years an incentive to roleplay and members sporting the Actors symbols were admired by many. Membership and access to free emotes served as a real and tangible reward for making efforts to roleplay. The day Zingil was invited to join the Actors' Club is one of the highlights of his career and made me try harder to be a better roleplayer. Therefor I felt great disappointment when Zingil was suddenly removed from the club without any explanation of why he was no longer worthy of being a member.

The ability to use free emotes has been moved to the Wise Persons' Club but I see no reason why it could still not also be granted to members of the Actors' Club. I am sure there are plenty of great roleplayers in Genesis who could make good use of free emotes but have not, and maybe never will, acquire the 100 days of age needed to join the Wise Persons' Club.

So I believe that the Actors' Club definitely could play a role in promoting roleplay in Genesis even if the only hardcoded rewards would be access to free emotes for relative youngsters and the Actor symbols as a badge of honour.

-Zingil's player

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Re: Roleplay, ftw!

Post by Gadez » 04 Sep 2011 18:06


I have been in touch with the wizard whom I believe is responsible for Actors. I’ve also talked to other players about how to re-activate it. Your suggestions here are welcome, and I wish others followed suit. If people believe that my former actions in the club – such as purging it – disqualifies me from setting it up again, I would have no problems in rseigning.

Two more things with regard to the current debate – I somewhat regret and should apologize for the tone of my previous post. *repeat: think first, post later*
Wizards – yes, your absence in this debate is currently precisely as conspicuous as you think.


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Re: Roleplay, ftw!

Post by Amberlee » 04 Sep 2011 18:22

Re-Activating Actor's Club would be a small step.

And a good idea with an "Arch of Roleplaying" position too.
Charged with rewarding great RP :)

But i have to agree a bit with Booger.
I consider myself a roleplayer before anything else, but i do not do it for rewards.
Personally i like playing a character, and find that the roleplay itself is rewarding enough.

Though the idea about a AoR position may promote RP to the people who play themselves in a fantasy setting.
The views posted by me on this forum is not the views of the character Amberlee in-game.
If you ask for my opinion here, you will get MY opinion, not that of my character.

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Re: Roleplay, ftw!

Post by Makfly » 04 Sep 2011 19:13

Zingil wrote:Just reactivating the Actors' Club would, in itself, be a very big step forward in promoting roleplay Gadez. Potential membership in the Actors' Club was for years an incentive to roleplay and members sporting the Actors symbols were admired by many.
I feel this is directly untrue.
The Actors Club was seen by many as simply an incestuous club that had nothing to do with roleplaying and everything to do exclusivity and knowing the right people. I think placing any worth in that club is the wrong way to go about promoting roleplaying.

Also I do not think that people should get Xp for roleplaying.

But, that doesn't mean that players and Wizards alike cannot do more things to promote social interaction. From Gorboths past writings I presume he have been in contact with many (all?) of the current guildleaders/councils and told them to step of their activity and open up for new members.
So I think the Admin could contact all guildleaders again and encourage them to reward roleplaying.
Encourage the guildleaders to encourage their members to roleplaying - Encourage leaders to plan events for their guilds, get-togethers of whatever sort.

The Admin could establish an Arch of Roleplaying as mentioned - I think that's a good idea. Such an arch can be responsible for starting roleplaying events, be that by controlling NPCs, coming up with storylines in cooperation with guildleaders, or planning game-wide events that are "non-violent".

I would also like to see the Admin of the game to come out on this topic alot more strongly, and let everyone know if they want to encourage more roleplaying - Post it on the front page of the new site, be more proactive in promoting it in general.
As it is now, I presume the Admin wants to promote it, but I am not actually sure to be honest.

I would also like to see Xp mean alot less in many aspects of the game, so that the focus was diverted from grinding a little. Ofcourse this is a much more over-arching decision with long term effects. But I think it would be healthy for the game as a whole, not just in regards to social interaction/roleplaying.
Mortimor Makfly - Gnomish Xeno-Anthropologist


Re: Roleplay, ftw!

Post by Laurel » 04 Sep 2011 21:16

Awarding general or even combat exp for RP (small amounts - not like 5 fantas ...) is fine. However Gen had enough of abusable wizardry before - the less spots are created for this, the better.

Exclusive clubs ... Shinto-buddies? Actor's wasn't even close to that exclusivity.

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Re: Roleplay, ftw!

Post by Makfly » 04 Sep 2011 21:59

Laurel wrote:Awarding general or even combat exp for RP (small amounts - not like 5 fantas ...) is fine. However Gen had enough of abusable wizardry before - the less spots are created for this, the better.

Exclusive clubs ... Shinto-buddies? Actor's wasn't even close to that exclusivity.
Shintos infamous buddy-club was worst than...well most things in the games history. (The Igor incident was probably worse in terms of polarizing the playerbase, depending on your view point)
But just because there were a thing that was worse, doesn't make the Actors club less bad though :)
Mortimor Makfly - Gnomish Xeno-Anthropologist

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Re: Roleplay, ftw!

Post by Booger » 04 Sep 2011 22:16

Gadez wrote:Wizards – yes, your absence in this debate is currently precisely as conspicuous as you think.
Sorry for aiming at you again, Gadez. Nothing personal. But I felt the need to point out a few things here that might be useful to consider in any thread:

1. First post in this topic was started less than ten hours ago. Several wizards may have read it already, but to demand that they stay updated on every topic and answer every post immediately is bad form. Not everyone sees this forum as top priority, and even wizards need to sleep now and then. At least give them a couple of days.

2. When there are questions only a wizard can answer, and that has a simple answer (like "yes, it works like you assumed" or "no, there is currently no Arch of Rp"), it can be very useful to have a post from them. But when a wizard goes in saying "I agree/disagree with you", there is a risk that he will kill the whole debate, both by being seen as supreme and by risking to sound like he is speaking for all immortals, that this is something set in stone.

This discussion is probably something they are reading with big interest, and they might very well be silent just because they want to see what people think, without interfering and risking to bend the opinion. So perhaps a note from some immortal saying "Very interesting discussion. I'm following it closely to see where it leads.", but asking for their opinion already might be a bad idea.

Finally, Zingil's note sounded great! A wonderful way to promote roleplay... until I read Makfly's reply. Still sounds very interesting, if it would work.

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Re: Roleplay, ftw!

Post by Gadez » 04 Sep 2011 22:51

No offence Booger?

None taken. Ok, perhaps some – not with you personally, but rather with the submissive truisms and noncommittal trivialities which you give voice to.
Executive summary: I think your last note is entirely useless, and felt the need to denounce it as such.

Note to self 1: wizards need sleep. Note to self 2: Think twice before posing questions which may require than handful of words in response. Think twice before demanding of those in power that they give their opinions. Note to self 3: Think twice, don’t post – even later.



Re: Roleplay, ftw!

Post by Greneth » 04 Sep 2011 23:40

I fail to understand why we need wizards to divert from things that truly need to be fixed, *cough*GuildRecodes*cough* re-implement a group that has already proven to have failed in the past and ask for a new Arch position in the small population of wizards that are strained with other things as it is.

If you want an Actors Club go to Pelargir Jeweler, create a club called the Actors, create your Own events with the thousands of items and resources that are already available in game and reward people with Money, Nullstones, Items, Advancement within the Club if you feel the need to. You dont need Wizards to roleplay and you don't need special items or rewards to entice people to roleplay. Thats only going to make them interested until they reach the top or get what they want then leave it be, the rewards of roleplaying should be your having fun.

The whole point of roleplaying is to be creative and unique, so take some initiative and go roleplay with others, use your mailbox find that lowly AA member and tell him you need some entertainment in the form of him getting beat up. Take your pupil or apprentice and go have a snowball war in Icewall, gather your dwarven friends and raid the local tavern and tell some stories.

Create an event give people roles to play theres a costume shop in sparkle, be creative.
Last edited by Greneth on 04 Sep 2011 23:45, edited 1 time in total.

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