What would it take?

Discuss ideas about promoting Genesis and inviting more players into the Genesis community
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What would it take for you to do promotional work?

I dont need any rewards, I'll do it anyway.
Quest XP would be nice.
Other rewards for any of my characters. (please tell us what)
Rewards wont help, I am not really interested, I just wish to play.
There no use in promotion, the game is too flawed. (what needs to be fixed first?)
Genesis is dead/sucks, who cares about promotion.
Total votes: 27

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What would it take?

Post by Cherek » 16 Feb 2012 05:09

So what would it take for the remaining players and wizards to come together and promote the game? Can it be done? Because we really need to do it soon I think.

I have put together a list of possible promotional work everyone could do. Its a mix of small and larger tasks in no particular order. I really do think it would not take THAT much work to actually get some new players, and I actually think at least a few would stay too. The more people we reach out to, the bigger the chance some may find our world fun. There are worse MUDs than ours out there with a much larger playerbase, so obviously the text game concept isnt really dead. But we need to let the world know we exist.

Check it out, comment, and vote on the poll. Would rewards for doing these things help? If so what type of rewards? Dont be shy. Wish for anything. (within some type of reason).

Here's the work in progress list:
  • - Playing the game. Even if people are idle, or LD, seeing more players is motivating, being in the game even if idle is better than not being here at all.

    - Being an active newbie helper.

    - Voting on mud sites

    - Inviting people on Facebook / other similar sites. We can use the client on the webpage or a client I have set up as a Facebook app. http://apps.facebook.com/genesismudfacebook/

    - Mentioning Genesis and its webpage / game adress on other forums.

    - Mentioning Genesis and its links on places where you can leave comments. Online magazine articles, newspapers or blogs for instance.

    - Getting someone you know to try the game and help them through the newbie area.

    - Getting someone you know to try the game and help them reach at least wanderer level.

    - Creating web banners

    - Making Genesis web banners appear on other sites.

    - Trade banners for a banner on our site, or maybe our forum since it probably has more visitors.

    - Starting a fundraiser to raise money for paid banners / Google Adwords / Facebook Ads, etc. Using for instance http://www.kickstarter.com/

    - Donating money for advertisement. Yes paid advertisement really does work. Especially since we need a pretty small number.

    - Getting a magazine/website, on or offline, to write an article about Genesis.

    - Getting someone who blogs to mention Genesis, or if you blog yourself.

    - Putting up paper posters.

    - Adding web page contents, etc newbie guide, maps, etc.

    - Adding content to the magic map.

    - Adding a suggestion to this list.
So thats the list. For now. What would it take for YOU to do anything on this list?


- Adding Gub's suggestion to the list:
The /r/mud community over at reddit does a "Lets MUD together!" event.

You can read about it here
http://www.reddit.com/r/MUD/comments/mx ... ddecember/

You could set up an event for redditors and make it something exciting for them, talk about how we've been open since 1989 (some MUDs brag about being open since 98) and we are the original LP. The event could include mortal and wizard support. I'm scratching the surface of what you could do, but I think it'd be good enough to bring in at least 10-20 newbies for a day.

Hell if nothing else you could do a write up and post it on there, there's a lot of advertising for MUDs and they seem to welcome it.

I am just throwing this out as an idea, coordinating events like this isn't my specialty. I think it has potential though.
Last edited by Cherek on 02 Mar 2012 01:57, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: What would it take?

Post by Cherek » 16 Feb 2012 05:30

And to answer my own question, I'd probably need some type of in game reward to actually motivate myself to do these things.

I am not entirely sure what, QXP would be nice I suppose. But so would other boosts. Like some really cool and personal armour/weapon. An extra special attack? A cool spell? I dont know. Some type of gadget or trinket that sticks to your char would be fun too. Something similar to the Zodiac gem... but with some other feature perhaps...

Well something. I think I would like that. Some type of reward. The greatest reward would be more players of course, but with an ingame reward I would know I get something out of it no matter what.

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Re: What would it take?

Post by Makfly » 16 Feb 2012 10:52

Although your drive is commendable, I am not sure the things you listed are what is truly needed.

If you look at the Common Board section on this forum, we can see that
  • The players donated around 3k $
  • The big promotional campaign started on the 16th of september 2011.
  • That Gorboth already posted incentives to the players for getting new players.
  • Unfortunately also that what has been done so far, did not have much of an effect, if any at all.
So why start a new fundraiser and a new campaign?
We all just donated and all the money hasn't been spent yet...I think?
Why give individual rewards for something you can never check if they did in the first place?
Giving rewards of Xp, would just widen the ridiculous gap between new players starting out and the established elite - That seems counter-productive.

I think, Gorboth needs to step down from being the head of the promotional campaign and give the reigns to someone else.
That someone else should be you, Cherek.

I like Gorboth and I liked what he have done with the game, but having 1 man in charge, who is short on time, is a bottleneck the game cannot afford.

The promotional campaign was a big let down, when it should have been a big energy boost for the remaining community. That's a damn shame.
I don't mind having donated money, because I really see it as money paid for past fun, but it probably would be best to spend what was gathered first, because asking for more money - And hopefully also having something to show for the money spend.
Mortimor Makfly - Gnomish Xeno-Anthropologist

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Re: What would it take?

Post by Cherek » 16 Feb 2012 16:39

Makfly: I've always seen it as the promotional campaign never got started, partly due to Gorboth having to take a personal leave soon after posting that note. If there has not been one yet we cant really say its a failure.

As for donating more money, that was just a list of everything I could think of. Suggestions. Not saying those who already donated money should donate more. Crowfunding sites like Kickstarter works in a little different way though than our own fundraiser. Check it out and you understand how it works. As for how much money is left, if any, I dont know. $3.000 isnt very much money at all when hiring people.

As for XP rewards... well... the current script-grinding without any interaction widens the gap more for each day that passes anyway. But like I said it doesnt have to be XP reward. And checking what people do would not be hard at all. Everything on my list can be easily checked and scored except voting on mud sites. So that isnt really a problem.

Anyway. They're just suggestions. So far the majority of the few that voted seems to think its no use because the game is too flawed. May I bother those who voted that to at least explain why they think so? And what is too flawed?

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Re: What would it take?

Post by Kas » 16 Feb 2012 21:15

1. I will say the "must do quests with no obvious/natural startingpoint" is a killer in an already difficult game.

When you are done with the tutorial and in order to do any significant growing, you should be pointed to where quests start. If
you NEED questsolutions to find quests and to have any worthwhile progression whatsoever, then it's critically flawed.

To grow a character from greenhorne to let's say rising hero, it should be fast, then start to drop significantly from

Possible solution: Drop the brute-crap, refocus the use of questxp into a paralell progressbar as suggested elsewhere on these forums, build more highlevel "endgame" gamecontent to sustain the players. This concept is OOLD and proven through tons of mmo's already.
Also, let the stuff on the orbs be an integrated part on the player. Type 'quests', and you should be set to go regardless where you are.

2. Is the game capable of sustaining several myth teams grinding at the same time? It doesn't seem that way to me, since when
a team of some size cleans the top tier grinders in the game, it means it kills the means and the reason for other myths to even
bother logging on if they want to have a session of killing internet textmonsters.

Possible solutions: Build more grinders/EXPAND existing grinders and spread them out in different domains of the game. Also, some level of "apprenticeship"-thingy that allows, let's say a myth promote a newbie temporary to slighty under his/her size to be used as grindingbuddy/teammate, and let him/her get a propotional % xp of his/her true size. That way, myths and wanderers can team up for
a grinding session and still get something out of the time invested in the game.

2 coppers.
Might and Glory flaming for changing dawn, ancient power revealed of an iron crown, clear and cold and shining so far and bright, crush the world in one clash of your binding light.

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Re: What would it take?

Post by Amberlee » 17 Feb 2012 03:45

Actually the game supports only and barely two myth teams.
One good and one evil.. Or two evil..But not two good.

Go figure.
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Re: What would it take?

Post by Wolverine » 17 Feb 2012 09:22

Why wasnt "Rankings" as an option..

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Re: What would it take?

Post by Cherek » 17 Feb 2012 15:48

wolverine wrote:Why wasnt "Rankings" as an option..
What do you mean? An option for what?

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Re: What would it take?

Post by Cherek » 25 Feb 2012 19:21

So 10-5 in favour of not promoting the game is the score. I am a little confused that 8 people, who I assume most already play the game, doesnt feel its good enough for someone else to play...?

I really dont see how it could _hurt_ the game trying to promote the game though, but I totally understand if you're not interested in participating, but that the majority voted that the game isnt "promotable" surprised me. Someone wish to elaborate on why they feel like this?

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Re: What would it take?

Post by Amberlee » 26 Feb 2012 03:34

Not good enough to play and not good enough to get new people to play is two completely different things Cherek.
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