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Re: Imbuments

Post by Alorrana » 30 Apr 2011 20:37

well bot forging.. 1 of 1000 items will be an imbuement.. donno how much gain there is in that, I think the gain would be far greater if you go kill.. But sure the forges might be used a bit more.

And with the energies.. perhaps with the imbuements some of them found some bars or leathers or poles to attatch them self too. and when heated in the fire they would show them selves. perhaps always let it be a faint imbuement.. nothing wild.. I just like the idea of beeing able to forge a magicialy item.. :)

and the story could be build on.. the elves brought back some energies to Middleearth, then a small quest to find and collect such an energy and then bring it to the forge master.. and then you would be granted a blessing of the smiths and elves and some wird stuff, and it will tell you the smith gods? masters something something will look over you when forging, and if you do a good job and forge hard like a master, they might place an enchantment opun your item.. ? sounds totally out of line..?? or..? and again what say the wizards. ?
I’m not a complete idiot. Some pieces are missing.

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Re: Imbuments

Post by Padraig » 30 Apr 2011 21:00

Cherek wrote:allthough it might risk increase the number of forge-botters...?
Bingo. This is why it wouldn't work...sadly.
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Re: Imbuments

Post by gorboth » 01 May 2011 13:59

I don't like the forge idea at all, sorry. :-(

Mmmmmm ... pie ...


Re: Imbuments

Post by Greneth » 01 May 2011 17:10

What about being able to mix different stones for a random chance at getting something useful? Alot of my stones I am never going to use so I trade them off, but what about making a recipe where I can use 4 random stones and a gem to get another random stone that could be of more use to me?

cracked+cracked+cracked+gem = random cracked

blemished+blemished+blemished+gem = random blemished

Would create a bigger sink on stones and gems with a chance for people to gamble on trading those cold resist stones they cant find a use for into a con stone or just getting another cold resist.

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Re: Imbuments

Post by Alorrana » 01 May 2011 17:29

gorboth wrote:I don't like the forge idea at all, sorry. :-(


Ohh well, cant win em all. But what about the weapon masters idea.. never got any thoughts on that ? :)
I’m not a complete idiot. Some pieces are missing.

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Re: Imbuments

Post by Cherek » 01 May 2011 17:47

Alorrana: Thats definitely a good idea imho. Just as merc layman is. (same thing basically with different theme). Gorboth does not seem to agree though. Or maybe it was only the merc theme he did not like.

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Re: Imbuments

Post by Pasha » 02 Apr 2012 00:17

Anyone want to trade? Post your offers here or mudmail! :)

Code: Select all

 | Stone Type |   Quantities Owned     || Stone Type |   Quantities Owned     |
 |     by     +----+----+----+----+----+|     by     +----+----+----+----+----+
 |    Name    |Ckd |Blm |Ord |Unb |Glt ||    Name    |Ckd |Blm |Ord |Unb |Glt |
 | Ankh       |3   |    |    |    |    || Lode       |3   |2   |    |    |    |
 | Balm       |1   |1   |    |    |    || Mercury    |2   |1   |    |    |    |
 | Black      |5   |    |    |    |    || Mole       |4   |    |    |    |    |
 | Blow       |4   |1   |    |    |    || Morning    |6   |    |    |    |    |
 | Blue       |    |1   |    |    |    || Mummy      |3   |    |    |    |    |
 | Char       |5   |    |    |    |    || Needle     |2   |    |    |    |    |
 | Cleave     |1   |    |    |    |    || Night      |2   |    |    |    |    |
 | Corpse     |2   |    |    |    |    || Ogre       |1   |    |    |    |    |
 | Crush      |7   |2   |    |    |    || Orange     |1   |    |    |    |    |
 | Dark       |7   |    |    |    |    || Pie        |2   |    |    |    |    |
 | Doom       |4   |    |    |    |    || Powder     |3   |    |    |    |    |
 | Duck       |3   |    |    |    |    || Quiet      |4   |    |1   |    |    |
 | Dwarf      |8   |    |    |    |    || River      |2   |    |    |    |    |
 | Edge       |6   |    |    |    |    || Rodent     |7   |    |    |    |    |
 | Elf        |3   |1   |    |    |    || Rubber     |3   |    |    |    |    |
 | Ember      |8   |1   |    |    |    || Rust       |2   |1   |    |    |    |
 | Eye        |4   |    |    |    |    || Salve      |1   |    |    |    |    |
 | Fell       |5   |    |    |    |    || Shield     |2   |    |    |    |    |
 | Fire       |5   |1   |    |    |    || Sink       |1   |    |    |    |    |
 | Gear       |6   |2   |    |    |    || Skewer     |4   |    |    |    |    |
 | Gnome      |8   |    |    |    |    || Snap       |1   |    |1   |    |    |
 | Grog       |2   |    |    |    |    || Soil       |2   |1   |1   |    |    |
 | Guide      |3   |1   |    |    |    || Steel      |6   |    |1   |    |    |
 | Gust       |2   |    |    |    |    || Sting      |3   |    |1   |    |    |
 | Heaven     |3   |1   |    |    |    || Surf       |6   |    |    |    |    |
 | Hobbit     |3   |1   |    |    |    || Sweat      |1   |    |    |    |    |
 | Hoof       |6   |    |1   |    |    || Torch      |3   |    |    |    |    |
 | Iron       |5   |    |    |    |    || Twin       |2   |    |    |    |    |
 | Life       |1   |    |    |    |    || Wool       |2   |    |    |    |    |

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Re: Imbuments

Post by Snowrose » 02 Apr 2012 22:18

Probibly doesnt like it cause of the whole forge botting thing. it will attract more forgers in general thus more forgers = more botters. Its less a matter of random imbeuments making more botters as much as it would be making more forgers.

You could use imbuments to make LESS botters by doing something clever with it.

* a adj xxx of yyyy hovers above your forge *
*catch xxx yyyy with tool*
* you have imbued your tool with xxx yyyy*
ie a glowing red ball of energy hovers...
a bright swirl of light hovers
Catch ball of energy
Catch swirl of light
if they dont catch xxx of yyyy before the item is forged the energy dissapates
Have a random phrasing or maybe a ansi image of the energy so that it is harder to set a trigger and easier to see.

maybe even have a longer somone waits the better the imbue is giving a risk if i wait 10 seconds i could miss it or get a better imbue. and if somone manages to trigger it would always get the weakest imbue possible.
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Re: Imbuments

Post by Jhael » 03 Apr 2012 16:44

Honestly, triggers can be written for anything. It doesn't matter matter how clever the wizards try to be with it, after a few times of seeing it, you can write a pattern matching trigger to capture any text you want and then use that text to perform the necessary action.

I think the reason Gorboth doesn't like it is because it would make imbuements far less rare. My understanding was that the imbuement system was implemented to make money matter again (along with adding new features, of course). I think if we implemented the proposed system, in any fashion, you would see an enormous influx of smiths, a huge decline in every other craft guild, and a general loss of auctions. Why would I buy that faint musk imbue from anyone when I could spend that same 100p, craft 300 dirks, and have a decent chance of getting that same or better imbuement?

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Re: Imbuments

Post by Snowrose » 03 Apr 2012 18:52

ok i get the idea no way to stop botting meh. Well i do like the idea of smiths accidently enchanting items. Maybe only on items they have maxxed out. maybe more like masterwork items in d&d and if your worries about everyone swapping to smiths maybe all crafts could have a little specialty thing that can randomly happen.

It doesnt need to be imbuments per say. Imbuements just make more sence for smiths than other tradeskills and imbuments was the name of this thread. I think the point was to make some of the more tedious activites in genesis less tedious by adding a chance of something awsome.

that something awsome could differ depending on craft. imbuments obviously being for the combat grinding activity. Maybe herbalists could accidently find little gems or accidently regrowth the area, Sailors run into sunken treasure, fish, fights with pirates or mermaids with quests.

to sum thing up Imbuments introduces the idea that random things could happen while doing the repetitive tasks in genesis. I think all the the smith person was saying is other aspects should also get some random awsomness even if "imbuments" is not a good thing for crafting.

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