The Cult of Chemosh

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Re: The Cult of Chemosh

Post by Makfly » 16 Apr 2012 13:30

Gorboth, as I said in my previous post, I'd certainly love to play a fullfledged necromancer in Genesis.
But one thing I think is important is to, if at all possible, draw upon on of Genesis' main strengths - It's long history.

If you want to create a new guild, one suggestion would be to try and build upon something that already exists, or has existed within the game.
That could be drawing upon the history of the Khiraa for instance, or simply building your Chemosh idea upon the tiny Flotsam temple.

The guilds that work the best in Genesis, in my opinion, is the ones that strongly integrates the background material and 'local environment' that the guild is placed within.
Although your previous guilds, the Ogres and Mercenaries, are good guilds, with some great mechanics & structure, I think the above area is where they fall short, so focusing on this area a bit more would benefit this new guild, and any other guild for that matter.
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Re: The Cult of Chemosh

Post by gorboth » 16 Apr 2012 18:50

Makfly wrote:
Laurel wrote:If you want to create a new guild, one suggestion would be to try and build upon something that already exists, or has existed within the game.
That could be drawing upon the history of the Khiraa for instance, or simply building your Chemosh idea upon the tiny Flotsam temple.
Recoding the Khiraa was my original plan. The closer I looked at the Khiraa code, I realized that they don't need to be recoded. They are already a very fully realized concept, simply one that never was balanced properly for Genesis. My ideas are wildly different from those that made Khiraa special, and to open my guild with the name "Khiraa" would be an insult to those who loved Khiraa.

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Re: The Cult of Chemosh

Post by Rhaegar » 16 Apr 2012 19:51

Can you elaborate on "properly balanced" part? Too powerful, too weak?
From what I remember they paid pretty hefty tax and weren't all that powerful (at least the Deathknights, don't know much about the Liche branch). Slam relied too much on you being big and having really good armour (I guess that's not a problem for most today) and Whirlwind, while fast, wasn't really doing much damage either. Battling mobs was easy due to darkness + infravision but when it came to PvP they fell a little short.
Maybe when you were big and higher ranked you got unstoppable, but from the "average joe" perspective the power level was pretty disappointing.
Roleplay and theme was brilliant though.
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Re: The Cult of Chemosh

Post by Makfly » 16 Apr 2012 21:39

gorboth wrote:Recoding the Khiraa was my original plan. The closer I looked at the Khiraa code, I realized that they don't need to be recoded. They are already a very fully realized concept, simply one that never was balanced properly for Genesis. My ideas are wildly different from those that made Khiraa special, and to open my guild with the name "Khiraa" would be an insult to those who loved Khiraa.

Well, that's fair enough.
Personally I think the Khiraa have lots of lee-way, that allows it to be molded in a different direction that the original guild.

I sent you a pitch for a continuation of the Khiraa story, that that I sent to Sarr way back in '02. It was meant as a basis for creating a new guild from the ashes of the old, without being a copy of it.
You can take it as an inspiration if nothing else, but I think having a new guild being created in another domain than Krynn would probably be nice too :)
Mortimor Makfly - Gnomish Xeno-Anthropologist

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Re: The Cult of Chemosh

Post by Rhaegar » 16 Apr 2012 22:41

Well, it really depends on how much did this female nymph dragon wizard (forgot her name, Damaris?) who put fluffy, cuddly, loving and adorable things everywhere (I'm still afraid to use any of the Eil-Galaith emotes) change to the original Khiraa code (if anything). I remember she was pretty keen on re-opening it some time ago.
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Re: The Cult of Chemosh

Post by Bromen » 20 Apr 2012 01:52

So when this new guild opens, the old necro guild is gone?

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Re: The Cult of Chemosh

Post by Cherek » 20 Apr 2012 02:54

bromen wrote:So when this new guild opens, the old necro guild is gone?
What makes you think that?

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Re: The Cult of Chemosh

Post by Targun » 20 Apr 2012 05:42

A new guild will probably bring backcertain amount of players for at least some time. They always do. Perhaps it will indeed offer some very interesting solutions and approaches and will prove to be a success.

Fair enough, go for it. And yes, wizards do code what they want. In, fact it's always been this way, so I'm not sure how is that surprising. Unfortunetely not always did it contribute to the game, often quite contrary.

This being said, stretching ever scarce population even further with new guild, can't possibly contribute to the game positively. Unless, there's that little effort of merging certain guilds taken. It is hardly reasonable to keep both wings of BDA and PoT as separate and individual entities. Instead, almost a natural solution with so limited playerbase is to merge them into 1 guild. 3 paths, 3 councilors, 1 guild, 1 rack. There is, however slight, chance it will bring players more closely together and hope for bits and pieces of human interaction.

Same applies to Mercs and Gladiators, SCOP and Elementals or Calia and SCOP.

Finally. Guilds crave for 'the mission'. Theme- yes, good roleplaying background- yes, but the mission is something different. The mission are boundaries within which members should interact with other players, other guilds. It sketches attitude towards other living and supposedly thinking creatures. It offers a certain code to abide. If that part is not covered, nobody is ever going to care how this guild interacts with npcs and the game content. No matter how catchy solutions are introduced within the guild, they are bound to be sooner or later repeatable. Therofore a bigger picture and higher aim are needed. Other than bring 1mln skulls.

If you take a look at Genesis guilds, the most succesful were those who had clearly defined mission, rules to abide. Rangers, Morgul Mages, Shadow Union, old Army of Angmar. Of course the major factor for joining any guild now is power, but if its ever going to change, why not get the things right from the start.

Of course it's kind of futile to bring forth a new guild, while the game offers no challenges to players whatsoever and is managed by bots. There are no huge changes required, other than realising, that when characters become strong enough to solo pretty much any XP ground pry magical equipment, you've come to a treshold where you've got to alter the strength of either; players or the content. Otherwise it's jsut a singleplayer and it hardly matters what cool new featers new guild offers. Game has to be challenging,

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Re: The Cult of Chemosh

Post by Jhael » 23 Apr 2012 23:34

As I said before, I'm excited for this guild. I'm very curious to see the direction Gorb takes with it, what guild slot will play what role, etc. I think it will be a good addition to the game, and I hope it will be a gateway into many more projects not only for Gorboth but for other wizards, too.

Any chance we'll get teasers as we we approach the opening, Gorb? Little tid bits of info, hints about content, maybe even an event?

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Re: The Cult of Chemosh

Post by Targun » 24 Apr 2012 01:25

I don't think it' the way you describe it Jhael. I played today a bit with my char. I browsed throug the racks, picked some swords and armours, pinned all nifty badges etc and pictured my char in my mind. And for a while I was really excited.

Then I went to hack a few mobs and realized that Genesis in a certain way is a great game. All those great descriptions, possibilities etc., you can really sink into it. And then comes the combat. For a bit I was eagerly reading descriptions, looking for regular hits- which was my favourite change to game mechanics in Genesis ever made- when they became meaningful and balance of spec/regular hits shifted. And after half an hour or so the mundanity took over and I went to write this post while changing a room once a few minutes, and letting my char kill everything in it.

And that's the point. Why, o why the combat, which takes so much time on Genesis, has to be so utterly boring. Why can't npcs pose a threat. Why can't they deal raesonable dmg, so you've got to watch after your character. It opens at once so many possibilities. Encourages to team, allows wizards to throw in some potion stores, some repeatable quests, for which you'd get a currencty to e.g. purchase those potions of multiple uses.

Players were hoping for at least some of the promised changes to be brought to the end. Instead they spent those 2-3 years on botting. It's nice Gorboth took on that task, and his guilds so far always brought something new to Genesis, other perspective. Though it would be good, if the seed was planted in the fertile soil. What's the point of a new guild when pretty much any character on Genesis is a Demi-God of sorts. Why refuse this guild a chance. In order to feel potential, utilize it, etc. one needs a worthy opponent first.

New guild? By all means. But once it's ready take a look at the big picture.

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