Text color change for...

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Text color change for...

Post by Bromen » 19 Oct 2012 08:39

Hey coder people,

Could someone write a code to change the text of speech in the game? It's near impossible to spot in the battle spam.

I heard somewhere the chat could also be listed in a separate window... is this true?



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Re: Text color change for...

Post by Draugor » 19 Oct 2012 09:13

bromen wrote:Hey coder people,

Could someone write a code to change the text of speech in the game? It's near impossible to spot in the battle spam.

I heard somewhere the chat could also be listed in a separate window... is this true?


Another mud I played had ANSI colours or whatever its called, combat hits going out from you where one colour, people trying to hit you where another and so on, was easy as hell to see what was interesting.

I agree tho, the battlespam is IMMENSE and spotting stuff is damn near impossible



Re: Text color change for...

Post by Creed » 19 Oct 2012 10:01

#CLASS {Speech}
#TRIGGER {*says:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*chirps:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*rasps:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*growls:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*sings*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*roars:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*shouts:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*yells*:} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*say:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*asks you*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {you ask*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*whispers*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*bellows:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*to you:} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*speaks in a hushed voice*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*say to*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*old Solamnian*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*thunders:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*chatters*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*mumbles*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*resonates:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*says in a lilting accent*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*sings with a musical breath*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*murmurs in a trance-like tone*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*speaks in a secret kender tongue*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*snarl:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*howls*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*grates*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*in draco*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*hisses*:} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*booms:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {<Newbie>*} {#color yellowgreen}
#TRIGGER {*snarls:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*delineates:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*answers:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*observes:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*aquiesces:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*mentions:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*coos:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*conceeds:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*jabbers:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*wonders:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*laughs:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*twitters:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*explains:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*sighs:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*agrees:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*claims:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*suggests:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*replies:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*confesses:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*implies:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*admits:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*declares:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*rumbles:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*asks:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*says to*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*ponders:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*breathes:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*snaps:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*announces:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*remarks:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*blurts:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*cries:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*queries:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*shrieks:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*whines:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*smirks:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*smiles:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*notes:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*chuckles:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*utters:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*snorts:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*murmurs:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*retorts:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*conveys:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*insinuates:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*giggles:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*snivels:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*barks:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*indicates:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*thinks:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*wails:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*sniffs:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*complains:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*enunciates:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*groans:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*scoffs:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*grins:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*sobs:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*trills:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*decrees:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*carols:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*hints:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*pleads:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*croons:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*moans:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*bursts into song:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*inquires:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {utter in the black tongue} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*lilts:*} {#color khaki}
#TRIGGER {*says with a lilting accent:*} {#color khaki}

Those are for zMUD..

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Re: Text color change for...

Post by Rhaegar » 19 Oct 2012 11:06

That's a lot of triggers... I just set mine for whispers and asks. Then, during combat I prefer to "whisper to team" or "ask player" if I want to talk just to one person. And I see others do that too.

So, in zMUD:

#TRIGGER {* in your ear:|asks you:} {#CW yellow}

In TF:

/def -F -PBCyellow -t'^[^ ]+ (in your ear:|asks you:)'


/partial ^[^ ]+ (in your ear:| asks you:)

This are all examples for highlighting just the beginning of the line, not the entire line of text.

For that you'd want:


#TRIGGER {*in your ear:|*asks you:} {#COLOR yellow}


/def -F -PBCyellow -t'^[^ ]+ (in your ear:|asks you:) .*'


/hilite in your ear|asks you

Note: for /partial and /hilite commands in TF you should first choose the default highlighting method there (reverse, bold, underline etc.). They're equivalent to /def -ah for hilite, -F -Ph for partial -t'pattern'.
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Re: Text color change for...

Post by Jooli » 19 Oct 2012 16:19

Earth has a great example in this thread: http://www.genesismud.org/forums/viewto ... =14&t=1294

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Re: Text color change for...

Post by Zar » 19 Oct 2012 19:03

I would prefer another feature:
"askhist/sayhist" that will give history of last 10-20 asks/whispers/says

I implemented it in my client. VERY convinient

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Re: Text color change for...

Post by Cherek » 20 Oct 2012 13:35

zar wrote:I would prefer another feature:
"askhist/sayhist" that will give history of last 10-20 asks/whispers/says

I implemented it in my client. VERY convinient
Yeah, thats something that would be very nice for most communication events, not only talk but also guild tells, messages, ntells etc as well. A few guilds have it for their tells, but very few... Maybe one day...

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Re: Text color change for...

Post by Rhaegar » 20 Oct 2012 14:13

Hmm... I believe in TF it was possible to use stuff like /recall 10000 | grep *say* or something like that, which would print out every line including say from the past 10000 lines sent by the host.

Edit: Also including TF version of communication highlighting (tested, not written on the knee).

Code: Select all

; communication

/def -PCyellow -F -mregexp -t">? ?([A-Z][a-z]*) (admits|agrees|ahoys|announces|answers|\
        asks|aquiesces|barks|bellows|blurts|booms|breathes|bursts into song|\
        indicates|in Draco|insinuates|inquires|jabbers|laughs|lilts|mentions|moans|\
        mumbles|murmurs|murmurs in a trance-like tone|notes|observes|\
        old Solamnian|pleads|ponders|pouts|queries|rasps|remarks|replies|\
        resonates|retorts|roars|says|says with a lilting accent|shouts|shrieks|sighs|\
        signals|sings|sings with a musical breath|smiles|smirks|snaps|snarls|sniffs|\
        snorts|sobs|speaks|speaks in a hushed voice|in a secret kender tongue|\
        suggests|thinks|thunders|trills|twitters|utters|in the black tongue|wails|\

/def -PCyellow -F -mregexp -t">? ?([A-Z][a-z]*) (asks you|in your ear|to you|tells you):"

/def -PCyellow -F -mregexp -t"^You (say|shout|ask|whisper|replied to)(.*):"

/def -PCcyan -F -mregexp -t"^\<Newbie\>"
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Re: Text color change for...

Post by Cherek » 20 Oct 2012 16:35

Its really simple to have Cmud record tells, says, or whatever you want, in another window. Making it easier to see and keeps a scrollable history. I assume you can log it to a file too if you wanted to keep an even longer history.

The command to use is #Cap (capture).

So if you wanted to put ntells in a new window you do a normal trigger on "<Newbie>" with the following code.

Code: Select all

#Cap Newbieline;
#C+ Newbieline;
#wa 10;
That basically means it capures everything after <Newbie> for the next 10 milliseconds, which means it will capture whatever newbieline message, but nothing more.

There's is probably other ways to do this too, but I have found this working fine for me. If you want to record the stuff your friends say to another window, but nothing else, just add triggers for "friends name says / asks / whispers", etc. It'll probably take just a few minutes to add the people you normally team with and the way they speak. Then just line up your windows and voila, you'll never miss anything said no matter how much combat / travel-spam there is.

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