A new take on vampirism/guild

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Re: A new take on vampirism/guild

Post by Amberlee » 08 Oct 2013 00:11

edit for double post.
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Re: A new take on vampirism/guild

Post by Amberlee » 08 Oct 2013 00:11

Celephias wrote:There is something to Alexi's point. When the realms were more dangerous, I didn't think of venturing out unprepared for a full out war and certainly wouldn't do things like idle in unsafe places. Even leaving the keyboard for a short time was a considered move. I still have a lot of those 'reflexes' now, but I'd say that its far more relaxed now than it used to be.
Oh yeah..
Remember back in the day when you really couldnt go much more than 10 minutes AFK.
Anything more than that was a sure way to get killed.
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Re: A new take on vampirism/guild

Post by Zhar » 08 Oct 2013 00:28

I remember the days when people would go batshit crazy as soon as they got scried (also people with access to scry being very desirable candidates in most guilds, WotE and HotV in particular).
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Re: A new take on vampirism/guild

Post by Zestana » 08 Oct 2013 01:24

Laurel wrote:That and a few minor things like invis, specials stacking with speed, ability to split teams, etc. etc.
Of course members like Saya or Freya did their best to spend most of their on-line time either gathering more eq or making war - psychological or manual, still war. People who have actual jobs can hardly compete with the time and "dedication" such "dedicated players" can bring to the table.
Do you offer anything useful to this board ever?

Alexi speaks of the Terel Coven and the Bloodguard. Let me clear up a few things that you clearly can't get through your thick skull. (I'd insert an ogre pun here but I have been told you guild hopped yet again... this is your what 7th guild this year?)

A: The invisibility for the Terel Coven was so weak that with good enough awareness you could still see us.
B: Specials stacking with speed. This was never true of the last version and it was actually because of this version of the guild that haste realmwide was changed to give diminishing returns so that it couldn't be stacked. Insert also Lucius' tirade against the vampyres and this is also where runed falchions were made to be unwieldable by undead.
C: There was no ability to split teams, but perhaps you are thinking of the skull helmet which anyone can use to frighten people out of rooms.

As Alexi said, part of the reason there were few vamp deaths is that we were all trained and expected to be attacked every time we left the guildhalls. And what's even worse we had to deal with constant changes to items we typically used, as well as Petros's war on darkness, until the guild became nearly unplayable without being as dedicated a player as Freya was... (seeing as how Saya was rarely active during the Terel guild)

As to the mages being the last political bastion of intrigue in Genesis as my former brethren stated... Let's just say I disagree. What politics. The mages of the present day are concerned about one thing and one thing only and that's getting as big as f***ing possible and not letting anyone but RL friends see their spells. For christs sake they now spend time with titan knights on the regular... and not just any mages but the King and the Nazgul. Few of them roleplay.... they just hiss, hope that you grovel, and if you don't grovel threaten you and leave, if they even bother staying in the room. There only agenda is to protect haradrims that they then grind all day long. The tower is in actuality just a place the people who never made it into vamps flocked to after their closing :D (sorry I couldn't resist on that one.) And please do me a favor and save me from your The tower this and the Eye that. This is an OUT of game forum so please keep it that way. mmmk Thanks

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Re: A new take on vampirism/guild

Post by Alexi » 08 Oct 2013 02:19

Celephias wrote:There is something to Alexi's point. When the realms were more dangerous, I didn't think of venturing out unprepared for a full out war and certainly wouldn't do things like idle in unsafe places. Even leaving the keyboard for a short time was a considered move. I still have a lot of those 'reflexes' now, but I'd say that its far more relaxed now than it used to be.
Honestly if you think about it, its the biggest thing lacking in our game right now, and where the danger is ever so present in other muds, it shows with their population boon. Also think about the checks and balances that isn't there anymore. Take away war, take away intrigue and player fights what else is there to do but grind with friends? If you were more concerned with being attacked when you stepped out, people would grow at a dramatically less rate, and you'd instill some balance to the mortal levels.

Once the threat (Insert X missing guild) was removed where all the big player fighters tended to flock, the realms lost any sense of danger. Also most of the large players on the goodie side (Nikiel is the first that comes to mind) who played a lot to fight those players die down in awake time.

Maybe we need to start really considering fixing this also before we go on a promotion streak. Nobody would play a game where they have the ability to grow infinitely and then find out there's nothing to do with that size.. Just a thought.

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Re: A new take on vampirism/guild

Post by Celephias » 08 Oct 2013 02:57

Zestana - not clear that you're bringing much of anything to the table (in any of your incantations) for this discussion but some of us never had any interest in the vamps. I'm also sure that no one in MM needs to keep you posted on the political goings-on - you're irrelevant. All OOC of course.

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Re: A new take on vampirism/guild

Post by Makfly » 08 Oct 2013 06:48

Alexi wrote:Ok would you take the current state of the game, or be able to go back in time when Angmar was fighting everyone back in 95-98? Or say when the vampire guild in Terel was in its hayday and there was tons of action, intrigue, political schemeing, player fights? I'm not saying it was all successful, but it definitely was exciting and interesting. The current game now lacks any player interaction, for good or ill or however you wish to side with. The last bastion of political intrigue lies with the Tower and they have nobody opposing them, playerwise or political wise. That makes for a stale game, I love genesis, but without war, excitement, or active players I find it a bit of a bore. I would be willing to bet some real money saying if the Immortals decided to forgive and forget, and reopen the Vampires in Terel and Bloodguards, you'd see the player base rise dramatically (Probably quiet a bit more then our recruitment campagin can bring in) and the game would pick up again. That's just my opinion.
The previous Vampire guilds managed to create so much negativity in the game, that the guild has been shut down so many times, unlike any other guild in the game - I am saying that it wasn't shut down repeatedly for nothing.

I do not understand why you think reopening the Vampire guild and Bloodguards would dramatically rise the permanent player-population - Because the previous members would log in and start playing again?
If that, then with different result that the last couple of times?
Again it was closed for a reason, and the impacts of Vamp guilds have been largely negative - Therefore I think the Wizards time could be spend on something more constructive.

Also I don't see why the Vamp guild would have some magically positive effect, when reopening the AA didn't even manage to secure a permanent rise in the population of the game.
Mortimor Makfly - Gnomish Xeno-Anthropologist


Re: A new take on vampirism/guild

Post by Laurel » 08 Oct 2013 08:26

Zestana wrote:Do you offer anything useful to this board ever?
No. Do you? Shall we move to flames as well? ;) You could join the prominent club with Krystian. Not only are you both trying to hump my legs, but I see some other similarities between the two of you.
Zestana wrote:Alexi speaks of the Terel Coven and the Bloodguard. Let me clear up a few things that you clearly can't get through your thick skull. (I'd insert an ogre pun here but I have been told you guild hopped yet again... this is your what 7th guild this year?)
Laurel was a Ranger for 7 years. Any of your chars ever reached this kind of result? After that she decided to give other guilds a go ... and didn't like it. I am writing same shit over and over again: I prefer to play one char over creating another after another, like you do.
Zestana wrote:A: The invisibility for the Terel Coven was so weak that with good enough awareness you could still see us.
I'm almost sorry for how weak it was. I did however not mention how it worked. Just mentioned there was one.
Zestana wrote:B: Specials stacking with speed. This was never true of the last version and it was actually because of this version of the guild that haste realmwide was changed to give diminishing returns so that it couldn't be stacked. Insert also Lucius' tirade against the vampyres and this is also where runed falchions were made to be unwieldable by undead.
So was it "never true" or "for the last version"? Tell me how I care how many versions of the "coded for myself" vamps were out there before they were reclosed.
Zestana wrote:C: There was no ability to split teams, but perhaps you are thinking of the skull helmet which anyone can use to frighten people out of rooms
No. Surely there was not. Only that Laurel got to experience it more than once that either she or her teammates stopped following from room to room without entering combat. It happened only while being stalked by the invis (weak one, I remember it was weak and am sorry it was) vamps. Thank you for telling me otherwise - now I can be confident Novo never coded anything like this for himself.

I'm sorry to have struck some of your nerves, as I can clearly read from the emo note. How many chars are you gonna stop playing, pretending to rage-quit Genesis this time?

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Re: A new take on vampirism/guild

Post by Kas » 08 Oct 2013 09:33

The vamps were designed putting too many of their assets in too few areas like for example levels of darkness and stacking of speed, which just had to go. The current functioning of speed and darkness seems very good to me, so some of the 'wars/tirades' of the immortals was justified in the end.
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Re: A new take on vampirism/guild

Post by Alexi » 08 Oct 2013 16:22

Makfly wrote:
Alexi wrote:Ok would you take the current state of the game, or be able to go back in time when Angmar was fighting everyone back in 95-98? Or say when the vampire guild in Terel was in its hayday and there was tons of action, intrigue, political schemeing, player fights? I'm not saying it was all successful, but it definitely was exciting and interesting. The current game now lacks any player interaction, for good or ill or however you wish to side with. The last bastion of political intrigue lies with the Tower and they have nobody opposing them, playerwise or political wise. That makes for a stale game, I love genesis, but without war, excitement, or active players I find it a bit of a bore. I would be willing to bet some real money saying if the Immortals decided to forgive and forget, and reopen the Vampires in Terel and Bloodguards, you'd see the player base rise dramatically (Probably quiet a bit more then our recruitment campagin can bring in) and the game would pick up again. That's just my opinion.
The previous Vampire guilds managed to create so much negativity in the game, that the guild has been shut down so many times, unlike any other guild in the game - I am saying that it wasn't shut down repeatedly for nothing.

I do not understand why you think reopening the Vampire guild and Bloodguards would dramatically rise the permanent player-population - Because the previous members would log in and start playing again?
If that, then with different result that the last couple of times?
Again it was closed for a reason, and the impacts of Vamp guilds have been largely negative - Therefore I think the Wizards time could be spend on something more constructive.

Also I don't see why the Vamp guild would have some magically positive effect, when reopening the AA didn't even manage to secure a permanent rise in the population of the game.
Again I think you are saying "Guild" when you should be talking "Players". The guild itself as a shell which players inhabit did nothing negative against the game, but there were some overly warfaring players which I'm not totally against in my personal opinion. So instead of punishing the players they punished a well-themed guild. The reason the Vampires and BloodGuards are way more successful then the Angmarian Opening is because its a engima, there were no rules, no laws, no guidlines, it was a blank piece of paper letting a player create themselves. The First Coven was successful, then closed, the second one, it split a hundred times and became a mockery, the third one exsisted for years, without anyone really knowing and we had maybe 3-4 vampires total. The fourth (Terel) was more high prolific because we were involved directly with mortal affairs and intrigue.

So while I understand the negative Karma associated with the guild, it wasn't the guild itself that was at fault as much as the actions of the players. Probably could have used some balancing and coding, but I don't think that should mean "Close a good idea".

Just my take and what my Opnion has always been.

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