Imladris forest

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Imladris forest

Post by Keltar » 16 Oct 2014 14:25


I was trying out the task Elrond gives after completing the one from Bilbo.
I examined and searched through 3/4 of the forest. Not found anything, sadly.
Must have missed something or am looking in the wrong place.
Any hint on where to look for the missing elf ?

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Re: Imladris forest

Post by Chanele » 17 Oct 2014 22:17

Define hint, maybe Gorboth can?
You need very good awareness to find stuff hidden in such places.

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Re: Imladris forest

Post by Keltar » 17 Oct 2014 22:35

Chanele wrote:Define hint, maybe Gorboth can?
You need very good awareness to find stuff hidden in such places.
Wow, this makes such quests badly constructed.
The quest giver should specify that the player will not be able to complete becase of lack of certain skills.
Otherwise it makes people such as me pretty angry to find out that I lost hours because of lack of/inadecuate skills.

Anyway my awareness is very high, albeit not in the guru range.
By hint I mean the general area to look for, the north, south or east, the best would be something like "there is a location with a giant rock, the place you seek is close by"
It would also be good to know whether examining stuff will get me the hint that I should search in the location.
Because searching through ~100 locations is no fun

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Re: Imladris forest

Post by Chanele » 17 Oct 2014 22:58

Exactly, thats why Gorboths sticky note is so lame.
The location is random and you need VERY high awareness, close to guru.

Ps read this fast before it gets deleted...*roll*

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Re: Imladris forest

Post by Ragni » 18 Oct 2014 00:00

I think you are looking in the wrong place. I'm guessing that you are looking a bit to close to Rivendell.
The hint I'll give you is to look a bit further away and not to think only in two dimensions.

Chanele, I think you are getting this quest mixed up with the lost brooch quest and even for that one
I don't think you need very high awareness. I've done all the quests and my awareness is only
superior acolyte.

As a general point as part of the quest reform team, we (the team) are going to go through all the quests
and for each one determine if we think the quest gives sufficient instructions etc. I'll make a note of this
quest and when we go through it double check the instructions, required skills etc.



Re: Imladris forest

Post by Greneth » 18 Oct 2014 12:51

Best advice, just post a note asking for people's Skype, Facebook etc. Then we can tell you directly because some of these quests are really jacked up in requirements/syntaxes.

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Re: Imladris forest

Post by Keltar » 18 Oct 2014 15:19

Greneth wrote:Best advice, just post a note asking for people's Skype, Facebook etc. Then we can tell you directly because some of these quests are really jacked up in requirements/syntaxes.
Right, that is an idea.
So if there is anybody willing to help me out with quests and I sure have a lot to do, please PM me.

However I wanted threads such as this available to everyone who finds the quests hard/annoying.

When I get the quest and look at the map and see 100-200 rooms, I fold my hands and sigh.
I go around Rivendell, introduce and ask everyone the name of the missing elf - no answer.
What ? noone knows anything, that is a bit strange.
So now I have to go and power through those hundreds of rooms, which is no fun.
On a side note, the quest orb has an error with this one, Elrond is a half-elf not an elf

Best scenario would be to have 2-3 layers of hints.
So really hardcore people need no hints - there are a few people like that I guess.
Less hardcore ones would like at least a starting place - 1st layer - quest orbs cover this.
Casual players - a general area to look in, ideally around some landmark (e.g. north from a boulder) - 2nd layer
Those who prefer walkthroughs - 3rd layer - need to at least explore the area to know where to apply the exa's, search'es and other intricate syntaxes given to them

However I doubt if that is doable as everyone has their own idea of what is a correct/good hint.


Re: Imladris forest

Post by Greneth » 18 Oct 2014 21:35

I'm sure someone has the good quest docs floating around if not just send me a Skype request. Gamblejay89 and I can send them to you. Problem with having hints on the board is its not usually just one hint it's multiple hints that some require an explanation and G doesn't want that on here.

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