Windemere wrote:
You should go and read the Calian Lore. You're a bit off base with who they are. They rose up against Tyranny. Against an evil General of the Kroug Army. Again, I'd go read the lore, there are many reasons why they are and should be good aligned.
Most annoying thing is when someone tells you your wrong when in actuality you are quite right. So because me just saying I'm right obviously won't work let's break down the lore that I obviously need to brush up on according to you.
How did this all begin? It began in whats called the First Conflagration the Quartan upon Kroug's return noticed Dark Magic about him, note that he had not done a single thing to any of them as of yet. They planned an accidental death to which he found out about to which he retaliated.
This is how it all began, with the leaders of a racist nation plotting to kill someone who had not done any harm to them because they felt threatened. Which said leaders and followers mostly ended up joining Caliana. But let's keep going.
Next is when Caliana first becomes a Warlord, that sounds super good aligned. She fought alongside the the Warlord Masthron, now you might say she had no choice but... ask a Knight if the choice between death or fighting for Takhisis was available which they would choose? Hm? Going on, the first major battle was against the Hobbit Warlord Bacco. Why did this start? Because Masthron ordered it, land, power etc. How many innocent hobbits were slain by the "Wolf Pack" during this battle?
Lets move on to the first battle with Kroug or the "Dark Traveler", while wary of him they dine for the night and Kroug asks her to join and offers her his sword. Caliana who was going to offer up her lance refuses when Kroug will not give up his name. So some random guy feeds you then wont tell you his name, yeah I'd ignore him too. But heres the thing, Caliana was friendly and willing to trade weapons. Now going back to the beginning... when Kroug first arrived it was said even a Goblin could sense the Dark Magic. A stupid goblin can sense it but an entire Wolf Pack and Caliana herself cannot? Or she could sense it and did not care as long as they were not threatened.
Caliana later is confronted and begged to rescue someone, originally she didn't want anything to do with the rescue. Definitely good aligned mentality there. Now she goes and slays Krougs men, making her a definite enemy now.
Later, they trespass on Hucker's territory and fight with them. Thats always nice, trespass then bloodshed.
Now I'm going to skip ahead a bit, the "Calians" have been formed in the palace where Caliana cares little for the guilds daily activities and focuses on power by studying ancient scriptures. The next battle is with Hucker. The dwarf whom when trespassing they fought with the first time. Whom is now defending his home from both Kroug and Caliana. Right... very... heroic...
Last to survive was the Warlord Oslewt, this is when whats called the "Second Conflagration" where both Kroug and Caliana were vying for control of the territory held by Oslewt. Yes cause sometimes they good Hero's cant seem to rid themselves of their Evil Warlord mentality.
The War Council when first devised was set up to have one of each race, but the warriors still held onto their racist ways and preferred to stay within their own groupd. Which Caliana had no problems with. Later seeing how it screwed her she then decides to get rid of it.
I'm going to copy this so you can understand it fully, because this is what a Calian should be.
14.7.3 The Warriors would be responsible for the elimination of rogue
krougs and the suppression of any aggression by one community against another.
14.7.4 The Warriors would only engage in combat within a community's
borders under two conditions: They were attacked. Their help was requested by the local government.
So, in conclusion. The Calian Warriors are NOT righteous. Once again, they are a group of mercenaries whose Warlords pissed off Kroug and began this whole shit storm. They are not good aligned, they killed and took others land which was designated to said people long before Caliana was even born just so they could be more powerful then Kroug. They merely became the Protectors by being stronger then everyone else and asserting dominance over Gelan which became the wealthiest hub due to it's location.
They do not need to have any part of any other random crap that happens in any other realm. Their main priority is Calia, it's people and killing Kroug. They did not form to rise up against Kroug, they formed long before Kroug was an issue and formed to avoid the Goblin Warlord Masthron. Once they became a threat THEN Kroug set his sights on them.
Last but not least, you need to go read the Lore and keep that stupid Alliance mentality crap out of it. Telling me to is like a high school student telling a mathematician to check his math problem. The lore contradicts the guilds requirements, hence why most Calians have said screw it and do what they want.