Genesis Auctions on Ebay

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Re: Genesis Auctions on Ebay

Post by Greneth » 22 Dec 2014 03:36

Oh, I'm here the same as about 70% of the rest and you. Nostalgia, I hardly play and when I do it's because I'm doing a trade like fishing, trapping or gardening on NW. Genesis has potential but it just keeps falling further and further behind. Sure it would be nice to have all that stuff free and some may not pay for it, but people are more willing to donate when they get something in return. Just like a street performer. The one who holds out a can saying help me gets less then the one playing a guitar.

I've seen cash shops or reward shops be horrible, but as long as you keep anything combat related out of it or keep it minimal... they do wonders for games.

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Re: Genesis Auctions on Ebay

Post by Snowrose » 22 Dec 2014 03:48

I play NW also, see my sig. Nw is not the best example of a healthy cash shop either. also play archeage and wow. its kind of a matter of what my family is playing. though i can play genesis on phone so its not family reliant.
you should also check your genesis mail when you get a chance.

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Re: Genesis Auctions on Ebay

Post by Icarus » 22 Dec 2014 04:03

Greneth wrote:Oh, I'm here the same as about 70% of the rest and you. Nostalgia, I hardly play and when I do it's because I'm doing a trade like fishing, trapping or gardening on NW. Genesis has potential but it just keeps falling further and further behind. Sure it would be nice to have all that stuff free and some may not pay for it, but people are more willing to donate when they get something in return. Just like a street performer. The one who holds out a can saying help me gets less then the one playing a guitar.

I've seen cash shops or reward shops be horrible, but as long as you keep anything combat related out of it or keep it minimal... they do wonders for games.
Well, in that case, we've had cash shops in Genesis, and we will see them again.

Code: Select all

On the top, the year 1998 and amount of EUR 5086 (USD 5595) is engraved, and just below that the amount of EUR 2793 and the year 2003.
And the prize was this:
First drive you got:

Code: Select all

It is a toroid shaped brooch, made of the finest platinum, presented to you by the mightiest wizards of Genesis in recognition of your generous contribution to the Great Battle. When the continued existance of Genesis was at stake, the bravest forces of the realms gathered and gained a stunning victory! The lands of Genesis shall remain open to travellers and explorers who shall fight their own battles within. It is smooth and round, and on the back, a clasp is moulded.
Second drive you were able to add topping on it:

Code: Select all

The donut shaped brooch is topped with silver crunchy elf ears.
Now, THAT is without any combat relations whatsoever. Anything else can put you in combat relations.

You can use real money to buy platinum:
- You can use platinum to buy gear, on auctions, from players and in some cases you might even go to shops to do so.
You can use real money to buy quest experience:
- Your brute goes down. You gain combat experience faster, you grow faster. You also grow from the experience you buy and thus become bigger.
You can use real money to buy gear:
- Well, if not for combat, why do you want it?

Now, what was it you wanted to be able to buy? Trinkets are the only things that wouldn't be "combat related", Greneth, so either it's P2W or it isn't, there's nothing you can buy that won't be combat oriented.

Make it a "free" P2P then. Racial guilds, Mercenaries, Cadets and Academy are free, Occ guilds are $5/month, layman $3/month and craftsguild $2/month. Trainees/squires/apprentices/etc get 50% discount for first 2 months, paying $5 for two months in the beginning, this also goes for anyone else joining a guild. Discount only available for those who have had no guild or been in one of the three free ones for last 3 months.

This is a possibility. I do NOT want it, I've donated on the drives, when next comes along, I will donate again, because this world needs to remain, but adding money into the game for anything than trinkets, that will kill the game.

Now, you can use real money on many games, Greneth, and I've tried quite a few of them. One thing I can tell you is this; It has never, ever in any lifetime, increased the RP of the game, but rather the oposite, when introduced into an existing game.

You want gold sellers? Talk to Irk. He'll pay well for certain imbues.
Flee you fools!

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Re: Genesis Auctions on Ebay

Post by Cherek » 22 Dec 2014 16:26

Greneth wrote:
Cherek wrote:
Greneth wrote:Seriously wouldnt be THAT bad of an idea to get funds for the game. Would be able to purchase a booth at GameCons, instant publicity.
It would also make Genesis a pay to win game... ugh.
There is no winning in this game, theres no final boss, theres no last quest which ends it all. Nor would it make it a pay to play as you dont HAVE to donate, for instance Irk will probably never have to donate if he didn't want to. I'd buy a $10 item just to sell it to him for some plats. Plus there are lots of things you could add that wouldn't make it feel like a freemium game, I'd make all items tradable where anyone who cannot purchase can still trade in game for them. Instead of max qexp, perhaps a potion which freezes your brute for a set amount of time. A herb pouch that can increase the effects of herbs, callable mounts, weapon skins, armour skins, pets, custom hair, eyes/cosmetic descriptions. There are many ways to go with it in which people would be interested, only a slight edge for those who donate and more funds for the game. Funds that can be used for various things to improve the game via hardware and promotion.
Oh I misunderstood there, I was replying to that "Quest XP for money" suggestion. Other things that doesnt give you an actual advantage in the game, but still is a cool thing to have, is in my opinion good stuff that you could potentially sell.

The idea of putting up auctions for fun in-game stuff in order to raise money for promotion is actually not a bad idea at all!

I'll definitely write that one down.


Re: Genesis Auctions on Ebay

Post by Greneth » 23 Dec 2014 13:34

Snowrose: NW is actually a great example of where a cash shop works. Even if you donated 5k at level 15, half of the obtainable levels.. you can maybe gain two levels and some skills? Its not worth it donating for levels. But most of what they offer enhances RP and a side of combat. And everything is obtainable in game quit easily so if anything thank the people who donate because it brings those items in game instead of a select few hoarding them. Its quicker to get RP bonuses and interact then it is to donate and attempt to level. They promote interaction, promote RP, and reward along with sell items which all revolve around RP for the most part. You say it doesnt work, I say the playerbase speaks for itself. 5:30 in the morning and over 100 people online.

Icarus: I said as long as you keep combat related to a minimum. Not full blown, people already sell items, plats and characters for cash. Its gonna happen in any game. I have no idea which games you've played but again I know of several which have worked quite well. Again quit thinking of WoW and such. I play RP games, perhaps thats the difference.

Furthermore would allowing people to grow quicker be a horrible thing? There is 0 interaction 80% of the time in Gen. Why? Because everyone is too busy grinding. Fix the issue of people needing to grind all the time and youre left with what? What do Myths usually do? Most I see interact more with the exception of a few. This is because there is nothing else to achieve.

Very few like quests, at all. So what happens if the formula is changed anyways and you end up growing quicker regardless if you charge or not? Least my way the game can gain revenue to bring in more players.

And ive already listed several things im not going over them again even if you chose to ignore them and and focus on one thing, most of which players have asked for in the past. Never once did I say plats in the cash shop. 20$ gets you 1k already from certain players, so why add it?

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Re: Genesis Auctions on Ebay

Post by Boreaulam » 23 Dec 2014 14:11

My 2cc

I wouldn't start playing gen if I knew that someone who can give a good buck will have advantage over me.
I just don't play these games. Not even now (and I have money to spend) and of course not in the past when I was a student.

Probably there are some other players like me.

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Re: Genesis Auctions on Ebay

Post by Snowrose » 23 Dec 2014 16:41

The rp is in NW moreso because nW/co/sto had some already established rp communities that were there when they started . partly thanks to thier chat system and some 3rd party websites. They also started with a RP hotspot that was easy to find and get to.

rp in sto is often scuttled by lack of rp hotspots and rp griefers thus you have to know people in Co/nw to even find it half the time. but sto has a LOT of cash shop items and customization that doesnt help rp nearly as much as the shared friend list. so not saying sto has great rp but it has more than some games due to association and customization.

i also play archeage which has an ok rp community but a lack of central hotspot ( moonstone mask/club caprice/pocket d)
so the rp is a bit spread out. Customization helps but most the custiomization in archage is not due to cash shops thier cash shops are more focused twards crafters and homedecor which imho hurts archage rp cause most the rp happens in main cities away from housing areas.

lets talk about wow not the greatest rp due to a high number of elitists/griefers/erpers to many servers marked rp and lack of good hotspots but you can find it more than some mmos out there. stuff you can buy in wow mostly pets/mounts doesnt really help rp either very very rarely have i seen a pet or mount used in a rp environment to do anything constructive. some people try ... say hello to pookie my green slime... but much more often they are used fir rp griefing especially when 4-5 people have the same one. but in wow you can transmog outfits for ingame currency that helps a lot, they have rp addons that let you have a rp ic tag that also helps if your on one of the rp servers supported by 3rd party rp sites.

Rpers will use purchasable items yes rpers will use ANY resource to customize thier character it does not need to be a Cash Shop item. rpers will drop any available resourse for customizable items... HOWEVER a cash shop will not attract rpers. your argument is a chicken and egg debate. I was in NW from preopen beta before ppl knew if there would be rp

the presence of rpers are completlty seprate from charging money.
RPers hang out on IRC, MUds, and javachats all the time without them charging $$
rpers follow people, Word of mouth, central rp hotspots...

things that drive rpers away.(cash shops often do not have effect either way)
Pvp focus/being ganked, manditory Grinding(both quest and combat), lack of rpers .
rp grifers/elitists/erpers(will drive some types of rpers away but often rp themselves)

thus yes id love to see rp items, id love to see actors reopened but as a free join the freemotes is not needed just the opion to rp list to see rpers online and if ic or ooc and maybe a library for bios. give them a little coffeehouse(saferoom) also as a rp meetingspot. but none of this needs to cost.

also we should really quit hijacking this thread this thread is about people unknowingly advertizing genesis via ebay
it is not suppsted to be about cashshops or RP
Last edited by Snowrose on 23 Dec 2014 17:06, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Genesis Auctions on Ebay

Post by Icarus » 23 Dec 2014 16:49


For each myth you see out "socializing" there are 3 to 5 out grinding and 10 sleeping for extended periods, only to awaken to check if new mortal levels have arrived before going back to sleep. So first, you have obviously no idea what "Myths usually do", and obviously, nor do you see them online. Those who stand around interacting are the exception, not the rule.

Believing cash-shops would increase the RP is like believing in Santa Claus. NW & other ARC games; I've tried some of them, and seriously, if what I've seen there is your hope for RP, we only need to give everyone a superboost in xp and let them go apeshit on eachother. Sure, some people RP, but so has it been with Genesis too. Introducing cash-shops on Genesis now will not get our old high skilled roleplayers back, nor will it create roleplayers of those who do not roleplay at all now. It won't even give us a huge new playerbase with roleplayers.

This is an old game, quests and brute have been factors since it's very childhood. Now there are suggestions about how things might see changes, but cash shops won't be a solution to anything.

I agree, when money can give you huge benefits, you'd think twice, and in most cases, if one plan to use money for a game that is F2P, one turn to much newer games with graphics in almost all cases.

Claiming RP is high in ST:O, well, that would make me wonder how to define RP ;)


For those of you who do not know this; P2W text based muds have and still exist. Achaea is a good example, they've developed a lot over the last 17 years too... and have a $2m profit. Not bad for a F2P game, but they did this from day one, and are still at it. They've spent millions on adverticing, they have paid staff... Now, if you want to do that with Genesis, you'll struggle. IIRC the code for the driver has been set to public domain, and this will not change, and the agreement with the administration and the wizards (in many cases with themselves) is that there will be no commercialization of the work put down without the creator having his/her say and cut.

Nah, if needbe, ask for donations to pay for advertising and other costs requiring more cash (gizmo, dedicated net etc), and leave the game free as it has been since the dawn of time, when Fatty was out raiding Donuts...
Flee you fools!

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Re: Genesis Auctions on Ebay

Post by Manglor » 23 Dec 2014 17:19

I didn't really want to pay to win. I just hate questing and if given the option, would pay handsomely. I was 100% trolling.


Re: Genesis Auctions on Ebay

Post by Greneth » 23 Dec 2014 19:53

Icarus wrote:Greneth:

For each myth you see out "socializing" there are 3 to 5 out grinding and 10 sleeping for extended periods, only to awaken to check if new mortal levels have arrived before going back to sleep. So first, you have obviously no idea what "Myths usually do", and obviously, nor do you see them online. Those who stand around interacting are the exception, not the rule.

Believing cash-shops would increase the RP is like believing in Santa Claus. NW & other ARC games; I've tried some of them, and seriously, if what I've seen there is your hope for RP, we only need to give everyone a superboost in xp and let them go apeshit on eachother. Sure, some people RP, but so has it been with Genesis too. Introducing cash-shops on Genesis now will not get our old high skilled roleplayers back, nor will it create roleplayers of those who do not roleplay at all now. It won't even give us a huge new playerbase with roleplayers.

This is an old game, quests and brute have been factors since it's very childhood. Now there are suggestions about how things might see changes, but cash shops won't be a solution to anything.

I agree, when money can give you huge benefits, you'd think twice, and in most cases, if one plan to use money for a game that is F2P, one turn to much newer games with graphics in almost all cases.

Claiming RP is high in ST:O, well, that would make me wonder how to define RP ;)


For those of you who do not know this; P2W text based muds have and still exist. Achaea is a good example, they've developed a lot over the last 17 years too... and have a $2m profit. Not bad for a F2P game, but they did this from day one, and are still at it. They've spent millions on adverticing, they have paid staff... Now, if you want to do that with Genesis, you'll struggle. IIRC the code for the driver has been set to public domain, and this will not change, and the agreement with the administration and the wizards (in many cases with themselves) is that there will be no commercialization of the work put down without the creator having his/her say and cut.

Nah, if needbe, ask for donations to pay for advertising and other costs requiring more cash (gizmo, dedicated net etc), and leave the game free as it has been since the dawn of time, when Fatty was out raiding Donuts...
Nw is not Never Winter Nights, its New World Ateraan. A highly successful Mud. Not sure how that even got mixed up when I was directly speaking of muds and comparing muds.

Frankly its a mute point, I suggested what other muds are doing and have been doing to keep population and grow. Genesis isnt the only mud I play, its the one I spend the least amount of time on.

Cash shops in Muds are proven to work, believe it, dont oh well. Muds focus on a very select niche, its not the 90s anymore. No one wants to grind on a text game, its boring. Look on any of the mud forums, hell look at the top 10 muds. Majority aint combat focused, bar Aardwolf, but thats a whole nother ordeal. Do the majority of Myths grind on here? Sure but if there is something going on RP wise ive seen most of them quit to join the fun. So maybe I am out of touch with Gen, but hey lets be sure to cater to the 3-5 grinders and wonder if an increase of population would bring back the mail reading sleepers.

Again, money talks. Its basic marketing. Product> Investors> Revenue>Advertisement> Consumers> Profit> Growth. I do it for a living, oil companies, gaming industries, farming, construction you name it. They all go through the same process and they've all grown. You keep thinking that this has to be turned into some WoW clone and thats the furthest idea from my mind. I suggest you expand a bit on your knowledge of what successful muds actually do and not graphic games.

Oh and Santa Clause is real, dead now though. Believer till the end!

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