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Re: Ulric, Knight of the Black Rose

Post by Arcon » 01 Feb 2016 13:30

Laurel wrote:Yeah - these great leaders should retake the guild, who did not shy away from full-knighting their friends within one, max two weeks even if said friends were aggressive MMages just prior to that. These leaders who just so happened to drive the Alliance into extinction with their alts in KoS, whom they stopped playing shortly after. Yeah - please let there will be a change!
I'm not sure who you are talking about. But there haven't been a good leader in years.

But, Laurel, you think it is good for the game/guild that the leader go against the guilds story/ideal so much?
That when reading about the guild in their books/help files and then look at the leader and think "wtf? How can that be?"?
I'm just asking since you are so fast at defending people that do just that.


Re: Ulric, Knight of the Black Rose

Post by Emraht » 01 Feb 2016 13:48

cotillion wrote:This is awesome!
Pretty poor style to bring it to the forum though. The concept of character separation eludes many.
I would agree with you for most posts, but sharing this many lines of information in a form that is easier to read, format, and disseminate makes more sense. If the post didn't contain a log, it would be in Sparkle.


Re: Ulric, Knight of the Black Rose

Post by Arcon » 01 Feb 2016 13:58

Laurel wrote:I'm not defending the GM of KoS slaying protected citizens because the Captain of Ithilien wants their loot and then trying to sell other loot to a MM passing by. Not even close.

Laurel also feels sad each time news of current RoI standards surface. Like this one about RoI desire for goodie eq so bad, they let the GM know about it.
RoI wanting goodie eq, GM getting it from Kalaman and offer to sell the sceptre from Calof to a MM (is he playing both sides?) and the Thane travelling daily with those he is supposed to hate most (see racial hatred).

Laurel, what is the difference?

About knight GM accepting rl friends in as full knight, how long did you have to apply to the Clan? What was it, your third or fourth time? Did you apply as an ogre or was it a minotaur?

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Re: Ulric, Knight of the Black Rose

Post by Ody » 01 Feb 2016 16:59 because someone doesn't rp the character you would it's 'bad' rp? Because someone doesn't rp a knight the way you would or did (as I know a few former knights are throwing their voices into this) he's a horrible knight and we should burn him at stake? From what I see he had fully legitimate rp reasons for the things he's done. And do does Ody since you seem to want to drag him down too. If you don't like how the character is played you can piss off. The best part about rp is that I get to decide how MY character gets to act and none of you lot get to say otherwise. Don't like it? Join the knights yourself and do something about it, otherwise you have no legitimate claim to bitch.

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Re: Ulric, Knight of the Black Rose

Post by Aimee » 01 Feb 2016 18:06

Ody because someone doesn't rp the character you would it's 'bad' rp? Because someone doesn't rp a knight the way you would or did (as I know a few former knights are throwing their voices into this) he's a horrible knight and we should burn him at stake? From what I see he had fully legitimate rp reasons for the things he's done. And do does Ody since you seem to want to drag him down too. If you don't like how the character is played you can piss off. The best part about rp is that I get to decide how MY character gets to act and none of you lot get to say otherwise. Don't like it? Join the knights yourself and do something about it, otherwise you have no legitimate claim to bitch.
Ody, I'm sorry, but in this case you don't.

Knights are a very well defined role. They have their rules and actions defined for them in the Oath and know that thing that you swore your life to uphold when you joined? If Knights don't want to act by the oath and measure, so much so that they are evil or get the title of Black Knight, then they should go join mercenaries. There you can play whatever role you want.

Knights of Solamnia are meant to be Loyal, Honourable, Courageous, Brave, and most of all Good. Their patrons are Paladine and his sons. They stand against the forces of evil in Takhisis and the Dragonarmies. To pretend otherwise is to not be a Knight.

Sometimes it is easier to say "It's how I play the role" than to actually play it.
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Re: Ulric, Knight of the Black Rose

Post by Draugor » 01 Feb 2016 18:32

Members that act in such a way are more than capable of destroying a very very cool guild with a great theme, but this is what we get :P

Mebbe knights should have a hardcode that if you kill 4-5 goodie mobs, you get booted, grandmaster or not.

Knights are not even allowed to fight in darkness last I checked, but I know for a fact that its been done quite alot, thats a very old rule and its there for good reason, roleplaying reason.

Guess we should rename them knights of Takhisis tho :P

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Re: Ulric, Knight of the Black Rose

Post by Etanukar » 01 Feb 2016 19:31

Close the knights, move them from solamnia and reopen them as Knights of Dol Amroth as part of the Free Men of the West.

If we do this, when the Tower corrupts them, there will be less hurt feelings because it was all part of the inevitable plan...

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Re: Ulric, Knight of the Black Rose

Post by Avatar » 01 Feb 2016 20:28

Ody because someone doesn't rp the character you would it's 'bad' rp? Because someone doesn't rp a knight the way you would or did (as I know a few former knights are throwing their voices into this) he's a horrible knight and we should burn him at stake? From what I see he had fully legitimate rp reasons for the things he's done. And do does Ody since you seem to want to drag him down too. If you don't like how the character is played you can piss off. The best part about rp is that I get to decide how MY character gets to act and none of you lot get to say otherwise. Don't like it? Join the knights yourself and do something about it, otherwise you have no legitimate claim to bitch.
You really should be ashamed of yourself.
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Re: Ulric, Knight of the Black Rose

Post by Alisa » 01 Feb 2016 20:46

Oh, but the joy of the self-righteous controllers of "evil" characters :-)

I wonder, why do i never find a note complaining of RP in the dragonarmies, angmarians or such?

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Re: Ulric, Knight of the Black Rose

Post by Avatar » 01 Feb 2016 20:52

Alisa wrote:Oh, but the joy of the self-righteous controllers of "evil" characters :-)

I wonder, why do i never find a note complaining of RP in the dragonarmies, angmarians or such?
I don't know. You tell me.
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