13th All Hallows Eve Scavenger Hunt

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13th All Hallows Eve Scavenger Hunt

Post by Cherek » 28 Oct 2018 00:00

Code: Select all

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 |                       Welcome to the                         |
 |         13th Genesis All Hallows Eve Scavenger Hunt          |
 |                                                              | 
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 |                                                              |
 |                         WHEN IS IT?                          |
 |                                                              |
 |  The scavenger hunt lasts eight days, starting on Sunday     |
 |  October 28 00:00:01 GT (Game Time) and ends at 23:59:59     |
 |  GT on Sunday November 4.                                    |
 |                                                              |
 |                  WHAT IS A SCAVENGER HUNT?                   |
 |                                                              |
 |  At the start of the event all participants receive a list   |
 |  containing clues for 100 different items that can be found  |
 |  somewhere in the realms. The goal is to locate as many      |
 |  different items as possible and place them in the pumpkins  |
 |  found at most major common boards, as well as inside the    |
 |  giant skull in Sparkle.                                     |
 |                                                              |
 |  For example, a hint might read:                             |
 |                                                              |
 |  "A Solamnian blade in the wrong hands."                     |
 |                                                              |
 |  You think this hint might refer to the Solamnian broad-     |
 |  sword held by Kernan in Flotsam, so you convince Kernan     |
 |  to surrender the sword, and once you have it, you put it    |
 |  in the pumpkin and move on to the next clue.                |
 |                                                              |
 |  The list of clues is be posted at the start of the event    |
 |  and can be found at the pumpkins, or simply by using the    |
 |  command <help scavenger_list>. This text can be found       |
 |  using the command <help scavenger_event>.                   |
 |                                                              |
 |                       THE COMPETITION                        |
 |                                                              |
 |  In this year's Scavenger Hunt you can either work alone     |
 |  or in a team of two, but regardless if you work alone or    |
 |  in a team you will be part of the same competiton.          |
 |                                                              |
 |  The team, or invididual, that has found the most unique     |
 |  items when the event ends wins.                             |
 |                                                              |
 |                       THE GIANT SKULL                        |
 |                                                              |
 |  A giant skull has appeared in Sparkle for the duration      |
 |  of the event. There is a pumpkin inside the skull where     |
 |  you can submit items, and this room also contains powerful  |
 |  magic wards against theft, so if you're the paranoid type   |
 |  you may want to submit your items here.                     |
 |                                                              |
 |  Also, a ghost has, somewhat unwillingly, been hired to      |
 |  keep track of scores. Her memory is not the best but if     |
 |  you ask her, she will share what she can remember.          |
 |                                                              |
 |  Finally, it's possible to shake the hand inside the skull   |
 |  to be teleported to the museum costume shop. So, don't      |
 |  forget to dress up! It's customary. And fun!                |
 |                                                              |
 |                         THE REWARDS                          |
 |                                                              |
 |  - Everyone who find themselves in the top 10 when the       |
 |    event ends will receive rewards in the form of both       |
 |    Quest Experience and General Experience. The amount       |
 |    will depend on their position.                            |
 |                                                              |
 |  - Quest Experience will also be awarded to everyone who     |
 |    finds at least 20 items. If you find 40 you get a         |
 |    bigger reward, and the reward then increases again at     |
 |    60, 80 and 100 items found. So, even if you feel you      |
 |    have no chance to reach the top 10 it's still worth it    |
 |    to continue the hunt.                                     |
 |                                                              |
 |  - Members of the top 3 teams also get to select ONE of      |
 |    these three items:                                        |
 |                                                              |
 |    A creepy translucent body-armour. (covers body only)      |
 |    A weird pumpkin shield.                                   |
 |    A spooky bone sword/spear/axe/dagger. (one-handed)        |
 |                                                              |
 |    These items will be yours for 30 days, can never break,   |
 |    and will be as good, or better, as any existing piece     |
 |    of equipment of the same type.                            |
 |                                                              |
 |    In addition it will be imbued with any imbue of your      |
 |    choice. Winners get an intense imbuement, runner-ups      |
 |    get a pronounced imbuement, and those in third place      |
 |    will receive a faint imbuement.                           |
 |                                                              |
 |  - The members of the winning team will receive a special    |
 |    title lasting for 1 year.                                 |
 |                                                              |
 |  Please note that if you win as a team both of you get the   |
 |  same amount of experience as an individual winner would     |
 |  get, and you also get one item each. So, there is no        |
 |  downside to teaming up.                                     |
 |                                                              |
 |                CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS EVENTS                  |
 |                                                              |
 |  Returning participants may find that some things are        |
 |  different this year compared to previous events. Here       |
 |  are the most notable changes:                               |
 |                                                              |
 |  1. The list of items contain clues, not item descriptions.  |
 |                                                              |
 |  2. There are NO random items generated for this event.      |
 |     All hints refer to items that are already existing       |
 |     somewhere in the realms.                                 |
 |                                                              |
 |  3. Teams consist of 2 people, not 2-4 as before.            |
 |                                                              |
 |  4. It's just one big competition. Not one competition       |
 |     for teams and another for individuals.                   |
 |                                                              |
 |  5. When calculating scores, only the total number of unique |
 |     items found is counted - not averages. So, there is no   |
 |     need for both members of a team to submit the same       |
 |     item.                                                    |
 |                                                              |
 |  6. Team sign-ups end 48 hours before the event ends.        |
 |                                                              |
 |  7. The ghost inside the giant skull will give you an        |
 |     idea of the standings throughout the event.              |
 |                                                              |
 |                   ADDITIONAL NFORMATION                      |
 |                                                              |
 |  All items are possible to find and no items are located     |
 |  inside guilds. However, all participants may not be able    |
 |  to find all items on their own due to mortal level, align,  |
 |  racial restrictions, and similar, so trading/scheming/      |
 |  stealing/bribing, etc is encouraged.                        |
 |                                                              |
 |  Teams are to register at the pumpkins in the common board   |
 |  rooms or inside the giant skull. This may be done at any    |
 |  time during the hunt, except during the last 48 hours.      |
 |  Please note that when you have joined a team, it is not     |
 |  possible to leave the team to switch to another team.       |
 |                                                              |
 |  As long as you have not joined a team, you are considered   |
 |  to be an individual hunter. If/when you join a team your    |
 |  scores are merged with your teammate's.                     |
 |                                                              |
 |  Only one of each item will count. Submitting more than one  |
 |  specimen will not increase any score. This is true for      |
 |  teams as well, so both members do not need to submit the    |
 |  same item.                                                  |
 |                                                              |
 |  It's not enough to simply find the correct item. All items  |
 |  must be brought to the pumpkin receptacles at the common    |
 |  boards or at the giant skull in Sparkle to count.           |
 |                                                              |
 |  For positions 4-10 any participants who end up with the     |
 |  same number of items will remain tied in the final          |
 |  scoring, however to determine places 1-3 the rarity of      |
 |  the items found will be used as tie breaker. Rarity is      |
 |  determined by how many particpants have found a specific    |
 |  item. If it is still tied, a Genesis trivia question will   |
 |  be used to break the tie once and for all.                  |
 |                                                              |
 |                      IMPORTANT RULES                         |
 |                                                              |
 |  Asking wizards for hints is strictly forbidden. Players     |
 |  caught trying to do this, in-realms or elsewhere, will      |
 |  be sternly warned, and if caught again, disqualified.       |
 |  It is of course perfectly fine to discuss anything event-   |
 |  related with non-wizards anywhere you want.                 |
 |                                                              |
 |  Please make sure to read the section about multiple         |
 |  logins and character separation in <help rules>. It may     |
 |  be tempting to break these rules in order to find           |
 |  some items, but doing so will result in disqualification    |
 |  from this event, a ban from future events, and a trip       |
 |  to the AoP office for breaking game rules. During the       |
 |  event even indirectly doing something to benefit one        |
 |  of your other characters will be viewed as breaking the     |
 |  rules, and we will be extra vigilant when it comes to       |
 |  this during the event, so, don't do it.                     |
 |                                                              |
 |                                                              | 
 |  DISCLAIMER:                                                 |
 |                                                              |
 |  On a donut as large as Genesis, it may occasionally         |
 |  happen that an item is not accepted even though you are     |
 |  certain it is the correct item based on the clue.           |
 |  If that happens, you need to find another similar item      |
 |  somewhere else in the realms. For example: You are          |
 |  certain the clue is referring to a blue flag, but the blue  |
 |  flag you turned in is not accepted, meaning there is        |
 |  another blue flag somewhere in the realms that you must     |
 |  find.                                                       |
 |                                                              |
 |  Should you run into any issues, or if you are uncertain     |
 |  about something, pleae <mail aoe> from any post office.     |
 |                                                              |
 |  Cherek, Shanoga and Varian wishes you all Happy Hunting!    |
 |                                                              |
  \                                                             |
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Re: 13th All Hallows Eve Scavenger Hunt

Post by Cherek » 28 Oct 2018 16:15

I forgot to att "club" as a viable choice for the event rewards. But obviously all weapon types should be represented, and I have updated the common board post and <help scavenger_event> to reflect this.

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Re: 13th All Hallows Eve Scavenger Hunt

Post by Draugor » 28 Oct 2018 21:33

So racist not allowing 2 handed weapons so ogres can use em :P

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Re: 13th All Hallows Eve Scavenger Hunt

Post by gorboth » 29 Oct 2018 01:31

I will be sure to put all the weapons on the Ogre exception list so an ogre could use them. :-)

Mmmmmm ... pie ...

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Re: 13th All Hallows Eve Scavenger Hunt

Post by Daerin » 29 Oct 2018 16:07

How about some boots that aids unarmed damage as well? For us that don't rely on weapons.

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Re: 13th All Hallows Eve Scavenger Hunt

Post by Cherek » 31 Oct 2018 12:53

Daerin wrote:How about some boots that aids unarmed damage as well? For us that don't rely on weapons.
The choice between a weapon, a shield and a body-armour is good I think. I get that not all guilds / players will like all choices, since some of them won't fit their needs, but I am quite sure at least one of them will suit everyone. I think an awesome super lightweight shield with an intense imbue sounds like a great thing for the Dragon Order? Or the body-armour of course.

And, if I make boots that aid unarmed combat in some way, I bet others would also like custom solutions to fit their guild. Like perhaps a staff for SoHMs, a hoopak for kenders, a great fling-knife for SUs (the current dagger reward can't be dropped), a two-handed weapon for those who don't like one to use one-hands, and so on. I think it's best to keep the rewards as general as possible, especially since that was what was promised when the event started. Ogres are a special case since without a small tweak they can't choose _any_ of the rewards, which I am pretty sure all other guilds can.

Now, a custom-tailored reward might be a pretty cool idea for future events? Maybe you get to go through some options sequence to "design" a piece of personal equipment with various effects to choose from? Skill boosts, magical effects, damage effects (including unarmed), fun effects, etc. Might be cool?

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