List of layman ideas (Middle Earth)

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Ideas for layman guilds in middle earth

Riders of Rohan
Wood Elves
Followers of Sauroman
Spiderlings/Spawn of Shelob
Total votes: 27

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List of layman ideas (Middle Earth)

Post by nils » 13 Jan 2021 19:29

varian wrote:
13 Jan 2021 17:02
I think a lack of good layman options is a really huge issue. If time and effort is going to be put into guild code, maybe introducing new layman ideas would be a better way to spend our time.

I would love to see Nils come up with a poll list of new layman guild ideas that PLAYERS would like to see, and based on that popularity, see if we can find any wizards with talent and interest to code the winner :)
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Re: List of layman ideas (Middle Earth)

Post by varian » 13 Jan 2021 19:46

How would you see the details of your suggestions?

So far that is just names :)

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Re: List of layman ideas (Middle Earth)

Post by Drazson » 13 Jan 2021 19:52

So it begins!

Most of those sound like race/lay to be honest but hey, nice!
Spawns of Shelob ?! :O What did you have in mind?

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Re: List of layman ideas (Middle Earth)

Post by varian » 13 Jan 2021 19:58

Drazson wrote:
13 Jan 2021 19:52
So it begins!

Most of those sound like race/lay to be honest but hey, nice!
Spawns of Shelob ?! :O What did you have in mind?
What would you have in mind?

Details folks!

I am not sure why we are making it a Middle-Earth only list, adding new guilds is not currently something on my list of things to do (primarily because technical code is NOT where my personal strengths lay) so unless I find another wizard who finds the idea inspiring it might stall in Middle-Earth.

If the idea is good enough, I'm sure it would inspire someone to help I suppose. I would have no issues bringing the lore and writing to life :)

But details!

Let's hear what kinds of things players WANT to see in layman options? Not just names, concepts.

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Re: List of layman ideas (Middle Earth)

Post by Zhar » 13 Jan 2021 20:54

Also no idea why make it ME only...

Already posted my idea of layman rangers/beastmasters with companion animal. For ME I'd love to see some stealthy orcs of Moria (kinda like Tricksters but more nasty, also having the typical orc stun special) and warg riders from Isengard (but those are covered by Throtyl now).

ME is not that great for ideas since its regions and factions tend to be pretty homogenous when it comes to race so making guilds there might not really befit some races from the RP standpoint (like, I have no idea why any respectable elf would enlist in some human village militia).
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Re: List of layman ideas (Middle Earth)

Post by Redblade » 13 Jan 2021 21:13

varian wrote:
13 Jan 2021 19:58
Details folks!
Here comes!
Riders of Rohan
Make it a horseback guild that kind of uses some sort of CW-like group tactic? Charge of Rohirrim is imho pretty epic. Maybe just if they are a bigger group (questionable) they can get a damaging hit when beginning the combat?
To note, there is currently no horseback layman option for goodies/neutrals (as opposed by Throtyl raiders on the other hand). Perhaps a morale (read: discipline) boost with a Horn of the Mark sort of ability? I think that's already a solid detailed idea. To wrap up:
[*]Mounted combat
[*]Charge of Rohirrim (damage special initiating the combat (stronger in group?))
[*]Horn of the Mark (battle inspiration (dis boost/other boost)?

I think it's already at least as good as the Militia gets it. Cheers if you do this, wiz-base.

Children of Ungoliant/Spawn of Shelob
I see potential here, it would likely have to be race too, though, changing you from whatever you were to arachnid or something. As for abilities, I would imagine some sort of poisonous attack, making it not as much different from the bleeding Throtyl Raiders get. Perhaps as you grow bigger, your poison-duration increases? Give them some stealth? Some sort of slow-down/stun in the sense of web entaglement? Base in Mirkwood, if it ever opens :) To wrap up:
[*]Make it race too
[*]Poison attack
[*]Some (not much) stealth?
[*]Entaglement (slow/stun?)

Woodland elves: I think this is covered by Ansalon Elvish Archers
Followers of Saruman/Orcs of Moria: I don't have as specific ideas here, I think these basically could fall under AA? Make AA pure OCC (would likely require working) and provide one of these as a separate layman? Make the current Orcs (race) an Uruk layman guild in the same sense Minotaurs can choose to be Bloodsea warrior? No idea what this would entail, just planting ideas.
Haradrim: No ideas here either, likely it would not be as popular, evil human fighters are not as common lately in my opinion.
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Re: List of layman ideas (Middle Earth)

Post by Drazson » 21 Jan 2021 18:43

Riders of Rohan when?

(Please no polearm specifics, they used swords and bows at the very least)

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Re: List of layman ideas (Middle Earth)

Post by Redblade » 22 Jan 2021 12:58

Drazson wrote:
21 Jan 2021 18:43
Riders of Rohan when?

(Please no polearm specifics, they used swords and bows at the very least)
Ah, yes indeed. That was merely personal flavour of it - I'm a polearm user. They used polearms too though.
Not sure if making it "choose sword or polearm" isn't too good for Layman. It would be an interesting concept though. I would not go into bows.
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Re: List of layman ideas (Middle Earth)

Post by Drazson » 22 Jan 2021 13:01

There is quite a bit of overlap with Thornlin Militia and Blademasters of Khalakhor if you get a polearm/sword special, which is kind of a shame and why I thought of bows as another option (not replacement). Rohan can be aided by a stray Noldo which may have lost their way and found themselves in the Qualinesti forest at some point :D

Horsies though!!

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Re: List of layman ideas (Middle Earth)

Post by Redblade » 22 Jan 2021 13:09

Drazson wrote:
22 Jan 2021 13:01
There is quite a bit of overlap with Thornlin Militia and Blademasters of Khalakhor if you get a polearm/sword special, which is kind of a shame and why I thought of bows as another option (not replacement). Rohan can be aided by a stray Noldo which may have lost their way and found themselves in the Qualinesti forest at some point :D

Horsies though!!
If you read through, I didn't suggest a typical damage special :) I suggested an opening charge, something like backstab but more thematic - one time damage on combat initiation. Blademasters are cool and let's face it, Militia could take a looking into - that's for another thread that already exists, feel free to add your ideas.

Horses are the key idea. Not sure if mounted combat will weight our for not offering a damage special though? Maybe if you have an idea how to balance it without it? I find the idea very interesting.
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