New Arch of Balance & new Arch of Domains

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New Arch of Balance & new Arch of Domains

Post by Cherek » 02 Feb 2021 22:54

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I have big news to share!

I am very pleased to welcome Carnak to the admin as our new 
Arch of Balance!

For those of you who don't know Carnak, he has served as part 
of Arman's AoB team for a long time, and also been part of 
many global projects. A recent example is the decay system for
equipment, a project where Carnak did a large part of the work.
He's very skilled technically and understands our core systems.
And for those of you who remember him as a mortal, you know he 
was a very skilled player as well, which is also a useful skill 
to have as AoB. I am sure he will do great in his new role.

Speaking of new roles...

Arman, the former AoB, will still be part of the admin, but now
as Arch of Domains.

I don't think Arman needs a presentation, but in case you are
new to Genesis or have lived under a rock for many years, he's 
our superstar wizard who is responsible for a lot of new content
and game improvements the last couple of years. New areas, new 
guilds, global changes, recodes... you name it. Arman has done 
it all. 

But what is an Arch of Domains, you may wonder? It's a position
that has been vacant for a while (with the AoD duties handled by
the Keeper), and some of you reading this may not know what it is. 
The AoD works as a global project manager for wizards. The AoD 
(and the AoD team) handles wizard applications, and makes sure all 
wizards are doing well and have something fun to work on. It's 
also the AoD's job (together with the lieges) to ensure that any 
content added to the game is of high quality, and follows the 
theme, story and style of the domain it is added to. The AoD also 
acts as a caretaker of the domains that currently have no liege.

Theme, story and high-quality content IS Arman, as most of you 
probably know already, so, who would be better for the job? I 
can't think of anyone.

Finally, Arman will still be part of the AoB team, and will most
likely still be involved in many balance-related projects, but I 
will take this opportunity to say THANK YOU for all your hard work 
as AoB. It's not an easy position (as Carnak is about to learn), 
but you did an awesome job! 

Cherek, Keeper of Genesis

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