Quest Disruption

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Re: Quest Disruption

Post by Freya » 10 Aug 2010 22:56

gorboth wrote:Yep, this one is not going to be something locked down by completely black-and-white clarity, nor is it going to be something that I will permit to go the way of the American legal system.

Bottom line: The ability to quest is essential to the Genesis experience, especially for new players.
Bottom line: If you compromise this, you will be subject to punishment at Administrative discretion.
Bottom line: If you abuse this principle, and claim you are questing when in fact you are just being a jerk, you will also be punished.

Punishments all-round! Party time! :D

Question is always where is the line drawn.

Do I get labeld a disruptor, for attacking someone doing a quest, hell if questing gives you a no attack assurance, I'll run and get a Solace tour card and show the tour card to anyone who considers attacking me :p

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Re: Quest Disruption

Post by Makfly » 10 Aug 2010 23:13

Freya wrote:Do I get labeld a disruptor, for attacking someone doing a quest, hell if questing gives you a no attack assurance, I'll run and get a Solace tour card and show the tour card to anyone who considers attacking me :p
Now you are just being a jerk - Therefore you will be punished.

Can't really see why it has to be made so difficult. In the vast majority of situations, it should be pretty clear. In the very few cases where it is not, expect a Wizard to visit and perhaps dole out punishment. If you're in doubt - Don't kill someone. Easy.
Mortimor Makfly - Gnomish Xeno-Anthropologist

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Re: Quest Disruption

Post by gorboth » 11 Aug 2010 00:09

Honestly, Freya, if players act the way you suggest, the best course of action is for me to delete those players immediately. Trying to game the system is something we just don't need here.

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Re: Quest Disruption

Post by Rhynox » 11 Aug 2010 02:32

There is nothing worse than someone returning after a quest and noticing the taskmaster is dead. Is there any way to finish the quest even without the taskmaster (getting the reward for reaching the room and not meeting the NPC back?). For example, if you do Satania's quest and he is not there when you return, you just talk with an underling and get the experience anyways?

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Re: Quest Disruption

Post by Anahita » 11 Aug 2010 19:57

Draugor wrote:Hektor... have you been drinking?
Anahita has lived with Hektor for years and still asks herself this every day. :lol:

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Re: Quest Disruption

Post by Alorrana » 12 Aug 2010 02:45

Either when people are going on a quest they get labled, not something they can see them self, but when other people exa them, they will see "Questing". This would be activated as soon as the player activated the quest. If the player thinks " Har !! ill go start a tour and go start some trouble(attacking another player/assisting a team in attacking another player) then the Quest lable would be removed.
Second thing that comes in to mind is that if player X wants to kill Player Y, who is on a quest, then when player X attacks player Y, he would get a message, Your about to interupt a quest, Do you want to proceed. And if yes, X kills Y, then it would be up to the Police(wizards) to deliver punishment.
Should X and Y be two guilds in war with eachother, then the Lable would not be shown to Nor X or Y, And all kills are free, it would then be up to both guilds council to lay down rules on how to fight the war. areas of neutrality, war zones, quests ect ect.. All part of the RP.

I dont think players them self can solve this one, I think there must be some sort of flag or message to show your on a quest, to the attackers, or people wanting to attack you. If you can just yell " Im questing im questing " and can put people up on reports for it, It WILL be abused. trust me, some point some one is going to get mad and lie and people will get drawn in to a web of theroies and lies and wizards said this and player said that, but he did this.. ect ect..

Just wanted to share my cents on the matter.
I’m not a complete idiot. Some pieces are missing.

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Re: Quest Disruption

Post by gorboth » 12 Aug 2010 02:54

Alorrana wrote:Either when people are going on a quest they get labled, not something they can see them self, but when other people exa them, they will see "Questing". This would be activated as soon as the player activated the quest. If the player thinks " Har !! ill go start a tour and go start some trouble(attacking another player/assisting a team in attacking another player) then the Quest lable would be removed.
Second thing that comes in to mind is that if player X wants to kill Player Y, who is on a quest, then when player X attacks player Y, he would get a message, Your about to interupt a quest, Do you want to proceed. And if yes, X kills Y, then it would be up to the Police(wizards) to deliver punishment.
Should X and Y be two guilds in war with eachother, then the Lable would not be shown to Nor X or Y, And all kills are free, it would then be up to both guilds council to lay down rules on how to fight the war. areas of neutrality, war zones, quests ect ect.. All part of the RP.

I dont think players them self can solve this one, I think there must be some sort of flag or message to show your on a quest, to the attackers, or people wanting to attack you. If you can just yell " Im questing im questing " and can put people up on reports for it, It WILL be abused. trust me, some point some one is going to get mad and lie and people will get drawn in to a web of theroies and lies and wizards said this and player said that, but he did this.. ect ect..

Just wanted to share my cents on the matter.
I agree that this opens a can of worms, Alorrana. However, this is what I consider "fighting the good fight" and thus am willing to spend some AoP resource time on it. Players who abuse the system on either end can expect consequences from the Admin.

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Re: Quest Disruption

Post by Uther » 12 Aug 2010 10:16

I am not sure this is a right answer. Maybe split the topic to a new thread.

I just wonder, can't people just use common sense ? It has worked out through the years before.
Or are they to damn PvP horny that they look for even the slightest reason to attack and kill or
just cause mayhem/ruin the game for others just because they can ? It seems like the mud are
heading towards being policed to everything we are doing in the game. To much politics to little
enjoy the game. Do we want such a game ?
I have seen behaviour from certain players that they look for even the slightest reason to attack
and kill and get away with it, due to the "valid" reason.
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Re: Quest Disruption

Post by Laurel » 12 Aug 2010 10:36

you got it quite right there, Uther Lightbringer ;)
PvP horny players got Gorboth to the point where everything needs to be policed - it's the same type of player who kills a lowbie in WoW (cause the lowbie happened to unknowingly attack a pvp marked mob - it's a lame lowbie to be pvp flagged in general areas anyway ...) and then proceed to camping his corpse for the next few kills ... or visit the cross-roads in Barrens (does it still happen as it did 1-2 years ago?) as epic-geared 80ties, to kill off guards and casual lowbies who want to defend them

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Re: Quest Disruption

Post by Tive » 12 Aug 2010 10:37


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