Night and Day.

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Night and Day.

Post by Alorrana » 03 Apr 2011 12:01

Hey folks.

I know its been mentioned before in some threads, but i wanted to raise the subject again.. When its Dark.. Shouldnt it just be a >Darkroom< when you look. ? Some places in towns where there are lights from windows and Inns sure you would be able to see you mates.. But if your on the krynnish plains, Pelenor fields, the west fold..anywhere barren.. you wouldnt be able to see a darn thing.. perhaps in the moonlight you would see your team only, and in siluetts.. something like that.. Sure if you had a lamp you would light up the area, but otherwise wouldnt it just be uber darkness.. ?

I think perhaps in some areas they should try and impliment it.. Would make for a more challenging play. You have to prepare for night.. lamps oils, torches ect.. and eventually it could be implimented in the world.. i dont know how.. but the current night and day i dont really bother to check.. and its a shame, you have the time option.. but who uses it.. if you knew that in the night, There be monsters.. You would want to check you time, to make sure not to get caught on some plain in utter darkness and an easy prey..

It would improve herbers cash flow, because people wants to be able to see in darkness. it would be more fun and challenging, and it would give a chance to bring back the vampires, and make them a playable guild again.. I think it would rock.. uberly.. Insaino much..Thieves would have a better chance of playing aswell.. Admit it, we have several guild suited for darkness warfare, but no place to really use the skills.

When people pass you in the night it could be >Something large passes nearby< >Something small passes you< >A medium size passes you< stuff like that.

What be your oppinions..? I know there will be issues of magic darkness and such, but enough lamps and no magic darkness will be enough.. Chance to hire some Cadet torch beares, to follow around in the dangers of the night slaying foul beasts.. chance for rangers to be effective, they are sorta semi night watchmen of the weak as i see it..
but what say you :)

And Wizforce, please share your thoughts too. the Whys and why nots.. If you dont mind. :)
I’m not a complete idiot. Some pieces are missing.


Re: Night and Day.

Post by Arcon » 03 Apr 2011 12:44

Most nights you can still see some, with the moon light etc, even if you are in a dark forest. So a dark room is too extreme. But you could do it so you can not see the full room, only the brief version or you can not exa anything unless you light a lamp first.

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Re: Night and Day.

Post by Tive » 03 Apr 2011 12:47

arcon wrote:Most nights you can still see some, with the moon light etc, even if you are in a dark forest. So a dark room is too extreme. But you could do it so you can not see the full room, only the brief version or you can not exa anything unless you light a lamp first.
Like it matters if you see full description or not...


Re: Night and Day.

Post by Laurel » 03 Apr 2011 12:52

In some places it's already there :)


Re: Night and Day.

Post by Arcon » 03 Apr 2011 13:08

Tive wrote:
arcon wrote:Most nights you can still see some, with the moon light etc, even if you are in a dark forest. So a dark room is too extreme. But you could do it so you can not see the full room, only the brief version or you can not exa anything unless you light a lamp first.
Like it matters if you see full description or not...

Well, it does if you are looking for something, someone. You can't search, exa a item or person, no herbing nor tracking. And it would make people be extra careful when they want to quest. But it wouldn't make much difference with a experienced adventurer since (s)he would know to bring light.

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Re: Night and Day.

Post by Zingil » 03 Apr 2011 13:26

Even more importantly, how about adding a notification when the light level of the room you are standing in changes to become too dark to see in or bright enough for you to see in again?

It is rather amusing, or annoying depending on your point of view, that the surroundings of your character can suddenly become pitch black or brightly lit without your character noticing unless actively checking for it.

-Zingil's player

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