Threats and policies (because I can get away with them)

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Threats and policies (because I can get away with them)

Post by Laurel » 22 Apr 2015 14:38

Within the camp.
There are three obvious exits: southwest, southeast and east.
A black tabarded helm and a small wooden chest (open).
Laurel arrives from the southwest.
Monk arrives from the southwest.
Glad arrives from the southwest.
RoN arrives from inside.
Oh hi, so you left Grushkir?
Inside an orc tent.
There is one obvious exit: out.
A small wooden chest (open) and a rusty iron key.
A grim small male orc, an angry sturdy male orc and a lanky evil-eyed male orc.
Laurel arrives.
Monk arrives.
Glad arrives.
The grim small male orc attacks Laurel.
The angry sturdy male orc attacks Laurel.
The lanky evil-eyed male orc attacks Glad.
Guess you left. Ok - we can handle :)
The angry sturdy male orc swings at Laurel's left arm with his spiked club, but
Laurel easily dodges the attack.
You attack the grim small male orc.
You roar in fury and throw yourself into the fight like a madman!
Monk assists you and attacks the grim small male orc.
Glad assists you and attacks the grim small male orc.
Laurel massacres the body of the grim small male orc with her unusual double
The grim small male orc died.
Laurel killed him.
wooohooo! orc down!
You attack the angry sturdy male orc.
Monk assists you and attacks the angry sturdy male orc.
You feel like you could slam someone again!
You prepare to slam the angry sturdy male orc.
You feel ready to chop again.
You prepare to chop your foe.
Glad assists you and attacks the angry sturdy male orc.
Glad studies his armour and weapons carefully.
Glad seriously cuts the angry sturdy male orc's right arm with his sturdy
one-bladed axe.
Glad beats the angry sturdy male orc's legs with his unusual runed axe.
exa lanky orc
This lanky, evil-eyed orc has an air of insolence about him. He seems to
despise you and everyone else equally. He clearly projects power and the
impression of haughtiness and strength.
He looks like the image of perfection.
He is fighting Glad.
He seems to be feeling very well.
He is wearing a black steel hauberk and a black tabarded helm.
He is wielding a sinister halberd in both hands.
Monk beats the angry sturdy male orc's body with his right foot.
So Grushkir is fvw - you sure didn't hurt him before - and he's got anything interesting. Cool beans!
The medium-sized grey-cloaked figure decides to come out of hiding.
The medium-sized grey-cloaked figure attacks the angry sturdy male orc.
Unexpected help from a Ranger - always welcome :)
The lanky evil-eyed male orc swings at Glad's right arm with his sinister
halberd, but Glad easily parries the attack.
Your holy crystal axe glows with a silvery light, as the wounds on your body
You cut the angry sturdy male orc's body with your unusual holy crystal axe.
The angry sturdy male orc swings at Laurel's right arm with his spiked club,
but Laurel easily parries the attack.
Laurel hurts the left arm of the angry sturdy male orc with her unusual double
morning-star, very bad.
With a roar, you charge into the angry sturdy male orc, slamming him with your
dragon turtle shell.
The angry sturdy male orc collapses to the ground, dazed and totally unaware of
his surroundings.
The angry sturdy male orc died.
You killed the angry sturdy male orc.
The medium-sized grey-cloaked figure attacks the lanky evil-eyed male orc.
More silent help from the Ranger ... yeah, well, whatever - let's KEEEEEEL!
You attack the lanky evil-eyed male orc.
Glad assists you and attacks the lanky evil-eyed male orc.
Glad studies his armour and weapons carefully.
The medium-sized grey-cloaked figure swings at the lanky evil-eyed male orc's
right arm with its basket-hilt falchion, but the lanky evil-eyed male orc
easily dodges the attack.
Monk assists you and attacks the lanky evil-eyed male orc.
Glad thrusts his impressive horns deeply into the lanky evil-eyed male
orc's legs.
Glad runs past the lanky evil-eyed male orc in a botched attempt to hit
Your holy crystal axe glows with a silvery light, as the wounds on your legs
You cut the lanky evil-eyed male orc's legs with your unusual holy crystal axe.
The lanky evil-eyed male orc swings at Glad's legs with his sinister
halberd, but Glad easily parries the attack.
You are physically feeling very well and mentally in a bad shape.
The medium-sized grey-cloaked figure is sore.
Glad is feeling very well.
Monk is feeling very well.
Laurel is feeling very well.
The lanky evil-eyed male orc is slightly hurt.
The medium-sized grey-cloaked figure manages to trip the lanky evil-eyed male
orc without difficulty, and the lanky evil-eyed male orc stumbles around,
wavering while trying to regain balance.
Monk viciously whips his regal horns across the lanky evil-eyed male orc's
legs, tearing a nasty wound.
You are physically feeling very well and mentally in a bad shape.
The medium-sized grey-cloaked figure is sore.
Glad is feeling very well.
Monk is feeling very well.
Laurel is feeling very well.
The lanky evil-eyed male orc is aching.
Glad scratches the lanky evil-eyed male orc's body with his sturdy one-
bladed axe.
Glad batters the lanky evil-eyed male orc's head with his unusual runed
The medium-sized grey-cloaked figure cuts open a small wound in the stomach of
the lanky evil-eyed male orc with its basket-hilt falchion.
Monk strikes the lanky evil-eyed male orc's head with his right foot.
Your racial hatred of the lanky evil-eyed male orc gives you renewed strength!
You launch yourself into the air, bringing your unusual holy crystal axe down
powerfully upon the lanky evil-eyed male orc, tearing a great wound in his
You swing at the lanky evil-eyed male orc's legs with your unusual holy crystal
axe, but he easily dodges your attack.
The medium-sized grey-cloaked figure catches the lanky evil-eyed male orc's
weapon with its basket-hilt falchion, and with a twist of its wrist, deflects
it to one side. Then it savagely slashes with his weapon downwards over the
lanky evil-eyed male orc's chest, and then sideways across his stomach!
The lanky evil-eyed male orc stares in stunned silence at the fatal wound left
by the flash of the medium-sized grey-cloaked figure's blade.
As the lanky evil-eyed male orc hovers on the verge of death, the medium-sized
grey-cloaked figure strikes forward with its basket-hilt falchion. The lanky
evil-eyed male orc's head rolls backwards off his neck in response, and hits
the ground a moment before the rest of his body.
The lanky evil-eyed male orc died.
The medium-sized grey-cloaked figure killed him.
That'd be a KS?
The medium-sized grey-cloaked figure gets three gold coins from the decapitated
corpse of an orc.
... and stealing?
You get a black steel hauberk from the decapitated corpse of an orc.
You get a small wooden chest from the decapitated corpse of an orc.
You get a dirty brass key from the decapitated corpse of an orc.
You drop a small wooden chest.
Glad studies his armour and weapons carefully.
You open the small wooden chest.
You get 18 gold coins and 18 silver coins from the small wooden chest (open).
You ponder the situation.
Yeah, let's settle this somehow now.
The medium-sized grey-cloaked figure speaks in a hushed voice: Ponder away.
Or not ... passive agressive at it's best?
You drink some of the mixture of dozen skins gods' melomel, many skins gods'
melomel, five skins gods' melomel and two skins gods' melomel from the big
You put a black steel hauberk into your large dwarven backpack (open).
Anyhow - veni, vidi, fragi - lewt is ours!
The medium-sized grey-cloaked figure chuckles politely.
You say: you werent here
The medium-sized grey-cloaked figure speaks in a hushed voice: Second
What offence? Is killing Morgul orcs an offence on the RoN now? Maybe we should discuss what you mean, dude?
Laurel extends her arm and passes her pentacled silver ingot slowly over the
decapitated corpse of an orc. It glows softly with a faint silver light before
slowly fading into dust, leaving its contents and a few remnants behind.
Laurel extends her arm and passes her pentacled silver ingot slowly over the
corpse of an angry sturdy male orc. It glows softly with a faint silver light
before slowly fading into dust, leaving its contents and a few remnants behind.
Laurel extends her arm and passes her pentacled silver ingot slowly over the
corpse of a grim small male orc. It glows softly with a faint silver light
before slowly fading into dust, leaving its contents and a few remnants behind.
Glad goes hmmmm.
Glad peers quizzically around.
You say: so what offence?
You are physically feeling very well and mentally very degraded.
Glad is feeling very well.
Monk is feeling very well.
Laurel is feeling very well.
Yeah ... guess we shan't. Threats from a RoN, again for killing the servant of his Enemy. Because you can get away with this ... that's the best reason the players of this game seem to offer.

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Re: Threats and policies (because I can get away with them)

Post by Alorrana » 22 Apr 2015 15:11

"The medium-sized grey-cloaked figure speaks in a hushed voice: Second

made me LoL. :D
I’m not a complete idiot. Some pieces are missing.

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Joined: 04 Mar 2010 12:39

Re: Threats and policies (because I can get away with them)

Post by Chanele » 22 Apr 2015 17:13

Ehrm, wonder who that Ranger might be.

Seriously though, this was the second offence from Irk stealing both items and prey within a week. It will be dealt with accordingly, in game. It is time for Irk to stop complaining about being attacked all the time, being an asshat will bring trouble. Knights, calians and now he has earned an enemy within the Rangers. :)

Oh btw, now I know how duped your/Irks logs are and will treat them as such.

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Re: Threats and policies (because I can get away with them)

Post by Kvator » 22 Apr 2015 17:24

lolololo :D I never understood this fighting over one mob (with crappy items anyway)

ohh btw, Irk is not enemy of Knights anymore! Shock!


Re: Threats and policies (because I can get away with them)

Post by Laurel » 23 Apr 2015 12:39

It's there, so you must have put it there yourself, because only you know what alts you have and only you are free to share this information - catch 22.

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Joined: 26 May 2013 18:54

Re: Threats and policies (because I can get away with them)

Post by Aristos » 23 Apr 2015 12:49

One thing: in the facebook document, you can see who made what changes in the history of the edits.


Re: Threats and policies (because I can get away with them)

Post by Greneth » 23 Apr 2015 12:58

Aristos wrote:One thing: in the facebook document, you can see who made what changes in the history of the edits.
Was it me? Dont know how to even check that. Always thought someone else had done it. Its not like any of the three were some big secret, just using it to prove a point.

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