Addendum to Treaty

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Posts: 54
Joined: 05 Aug 2019 19:59

Addendum to Treaty

Post by Yeren » 05 Oct 2024 01:10

Code: Select all

Pursuant to article 6 paragraph 1 of the treaty between the  former
Coven of the Ancients and the Society of the Morgul  mages,  acting
by power of general legal succession, the public is hereby notified
that the articles of the Treaty are in place and will  be  enforced
with full commitment by the legal successor of the Coven.

Paragraph 2 of the Treaty hereby modified, and henceforth shall have
the exact wording as below:
"Anyone found in the realms using a sword or armour belonging
 to the elite forces of the Morgul mages will be promptly
 rewarded with a puppy, delivered by the kennel service of 
 Kendermore at the expense of the Coven."

On behalf of the former Coven of the Ancients,

Yeren, covenmaster of the Vampoodles

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