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3.9 Internal documentation

For you to read this tutorial and memorize it would be very flattering to me, but not really practical. Instead, learn to make use of the internal documentation available on the MUD itself, there's usually quite a bit available.

For Efuns, Sfuns and Lfuns you have the man command. As with all man commands it accepts partial names syntax, so it's usually easy to find a function even if you aren't completely certain of its name.

For example, you want to find the user id of an object, but you can't remember exactly what the function was called. You have a pretty good notion it ended with the letters 'id' though:

> man -k *id

--- simul_efun:
export_uid  geteuid     getuid      seteuid     setuid

The output tells you that the matches can be found in the chapter simul_efun of the manual. Had their been matches in other chapters, they would have been displayed as well.

Now you also know that the function was 'getuid', so you just type man getuid (or even man simul_efun getuid if you want to be very specific) to get the full text.

The really experienced LPC coder has a good grasp of which of the objects provided in the mudlib does what, so that he'll know which object to inherit for a specific job. He is also rather at home with what the function-sets each object defines, but naturally he doesn't know all of them. What follows from this is that any coder, experienced or not, simply has to spend quite a bit of time reading the objects to find out exactly how to use them when he needs them.

A great help in this respect is the sman command. The source code manual simply is a collection of all headers of all functions in /cmd, /lib, /obj, /secure, /std and /sys.

The command allows you to search for partial names as well, so finding the exact function you need usually is a matter how having just an inkling of what you're after, then spending some time with sman to find the exact command.

For example, you need to find the function in a player that returns his occupational guild name, but you don't know which object defines it, nor what the function was called.

> sman -k *guild*
--- /lib/guild_support:
create_guild_support     init_guild_support

--- /secure/master:
add_guild_master                      query_guild_type
guild_command                         query_guild_type_int
guild_filter_type                     query_guild_type_long_string
guild_sort_styles                     query_guild_type_string
load_guild_defaults                   query_guilds
query_guild_domain                    remove_guild_master
query_guild_is_master                 set_guild_domain
query_guild_long_name                 set_guild_long_name
query_guild_masters                   set_guild_phase
query_guild_phase                     set_guild_style
query_guild_short_name                set_guild_type

--- /std/guild/guild_base:
list_major_guilds                     query_guild_not_allow_join_guild
query_guild_keep_player               query_guild_skill_name
query_guild_leader                    query_guild_style

--- /std/guild/guild_lay_sh:
query_guild_incognito_lay             query_guild_tax_lay
query_guild_leader_lay                query_guild_title_lay
query_guild_member_lay                query_guild_trainer_lay
query_guild_name_lay                  query_guild_type
query_guild_not_allow_join_lay        remove_guild_lay

--- /std/guild/guild_occ_sh:
query_guild_incognito_occ             query_guild_tax_occ
query_guild_leader_occ                query_guild_title_occ
query_guild_member_occ                query_guild_trainer_occ
query_guild_name_occ                  query_guild_type
query_guild_not_allow_join_occ        remove_guild_occ

--- /std/guild/guild_race_sh:
query_guild_family_name               query_guild_style_race
query_guild_incognito_race            query_guild_tax_race
query_guild_leader_race               query_guild_title_race
query_guild_member_race               query_guild_trainer_race
query_guild_name_race                 query_guild_type
query_guild_not_allow_join_race       remove_guild_race

--- /std/living:
clear_guild_stat         set_guild_pref
query_guild_pref_total   set_guild_stat

Well, that was a lot of output, but with just a little bit of thinking applied to the results you now know that the name of the function is query_guild_name_occ and that it can be found in the file /std/guild/guild_occ_sh. So, to get the header you now type sman /std/guild/guild_occ_sh query_guild_name_occ.

The better your knowledge of the mudlib is, the better you can make your sman query and thus produce a narrower result the first time. Not that there's anything wrong with typing the command several times, of course!

NB! The index files and manual entries for sman need to be regenerated when something changes in the mudlib. For some reason it seems that the temptation to meddle in the mudlib is too big a temptation for most mud administrations to resist for very long; so if you suspect that the manual entries doesn't reflect well on the actual code in the mudlib, remind them to regenerate the manual. All this assuming, of course, that the people who change the mudlib have the common sense of changing the headers of the functions they modify at the same time.

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This document was generated by Hekay Permer on April, 20 2005 using texi2html