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2.3.14 File handling

Using files for storage of data is very important. Followingly there are a number of functions available to aid you with this. However, let me start with a little sermon on the subject of CPU usage:

Reading and writing to files is very CPU intensive, perhaps not in the respect that the CPU actually has a lot to do while it happens but that it is unable to do anything else at the same time. In other words, reading and writing large portions of data often will slow the game down significantly. To impose a small limit on excessive usage of memory, disk and CPU, it's impossible to handle more than ca 50 kb of data at one time. Files may be bigger, but you can't write or read bigger chunks than that. This means you have to split up work on big files into portions to be executed sequentially, preferrably with a pause between each execution to give the rest of the game time to do something. So, please keep in mind that this limit isn't there to annoy you, to be sidestepped by nifty code, but as a reminder that you are hogging the resources and should let others do something as well. Amen.

Let's start with the very basic conept of storing and restoring objects. What you want to do usually is to store the global variables to file, pending later restoration. For this purpose you use the efuns save_object() and restore_object(). They both take a filepath as argument and naturally have to specify a file which the object in question is privileged to write or read, respectively. The resulting savefile will have a name ending in '.o', and you must remember to specify this extension to restore_object(). This is optional with save_object() since it's added automatically if you forget it. restore_object() returns the integer 1 on successful reading of a file, and 0 otherwise. The contents of the saved file are a list of all global variables with their contents on the same line separaterd by a space. The storage format of the string is the same as with val2str() mentioned earlier for the content of a single variable. naturally save_object() will store the names of the variables as well in front of the data it contains.

An important concept to remember is that data files stored with save_object() are text files, and hence editable with the internal ed() editor. However, the lines might become very long if you store large arrays for exampe. ed() will then truncate the lines at the maximum length, and if you then store the contents back to file you will in fact destroy part of the data, making it impossible to read back. This unfortunately is a very common mistakes with new archwizards who want to hack the KEEPERSAVE.o file manually, instead of going through the commands supplied for that purpose.

Mappings are the most convenient data type to be used with saving variables. Just store the data you want in a mapping with a string describing it as index, then store the mapping with the efun save_map() for later restoration with restore_map(). The advantage with this method over save/restore_object() is that you aren't limited to global non-static variables but can store whatever you like. The drawback is that retrieving data is a bit more complicated.

NB! Due to an inconsistency in the driver, indices can contain space characters, but it's impossible to save any mapping containing such an index with save_map(). The obvious solution (until we can release a patch for the driver) is to avoid using space in indices alltogether.

void save_object(string savepath);
int restore_object(string readpath);
void save_map(mapping mapp, string savepath);
mapping restore_map(string readpath);
     * Assume these global variable definitions:
     * string name, *desc;
     * int flip;
     * mapping data_map, smap;
     * Assume we are interested in storing name, desc, flip and data_map

    // Set object inherent privileges by giving it the euid of the
    // creator of the file

    // Method 1 save 

    // Method 1 restore
    if (restore_object("myfile"))

    // Method 2 save
    smap = ([ "name" : name,
              "desc" : desc,
              "flip" : flip,
              "dmap" : data_map ]);
    save_map(smap, "myfile");
    // Method 2 restore
    smap = restore_map("myfile");
    if (m_sizeof(smap))
        name = smap["name"];        // Restore name
        desc = smap["desc"];        // Restore desc
        flip = smap["flip"];        // Restore flip
        data_map = smap["dmap"];    // Restore data_map

A fact to be remembered is that the save format used internally by save_object() and save_map() is the same, which makes it both possible and sometimes very useful to restore data from objects that have saved their contents with save_object() by using restore_map() and then just picking out the pieces you want from the resulting mapping. Assume that you only would have been interested in restoring the variable 'desc' in the example above, then you never would have bothered with the other statements in the Method 2 restore. Beware that using restore_object() on a savefile stored with save_map() requires the indices used in the original mapping to have the same name as the global variables intended to receive the data, something that doesn't have to be true, as exemplified above. Restoring the Method 2 savefile with Method 1 restore will not result in an error, but it will fail to restore the variable 'data_map'.

Well, these are all methods for storing data in variables. Very often you want to store free-form data however, and not just data in variables. For this purpose you can use the efuns write_bytes() and read_bytes(), or write_file() and read_file(). Basically both pairs of functions do the same thing, i.e. save or read a string of certain length from file. The only difference is that write_bytes() can be used to overwrite a portion of a file, while write_file() only can append to a file. Also, read_bytes() acts on exact bytes, while read_file() acts on lines separated by newlines. Both write functions return 1 on success and 0 on failure. Both read functions return a string with the result of the read operation on success, on failure they return 0, so check the result with stringp() to make sure it has succeeded.

int write_bytes(string path, int pos, string text);
string read_bytes(string path, void|int pos, void|int num);
int write_file(string path, string text);
string read_file(string path, void|int pos, void|int num);

You can get information about a file as well. You get the size of the contents with the efun file_size(), but it can also be used to check the type and existence of a file. If the returned number is positive, it is a file and the number represents the size in bytes of the contents, if the file doesn't exist, it returns -1 and if the file actually is a directory it returns -2. To get the time of last modification you use the efun file_time().

int file_size(string path);
int file_time(string path);
    void file_info(string path)
        int type, tm;

        type = file_size(path);
        tm = file_time(path);

        write("The file '" + path + "' ");
        switch (type)
        case -1:
            write("doesn't exist.\n");

        case -2:
            write("is a directory, last modified " + ctime(tm) + ".\n");

            write("is " + type + " bytes in size, last modified " + 
                  ctime(tm) + ".\n");

If you want to rename or move a file you can use the efun rename(). Beware that this operation actually first copies the file and then removes the old one. It can also be used to move directories. If you wish to remove a file entirely, you use the efun rm(). The efun rm() returns 1 on success and 0 on failure, however beware that rename() works just the opposit way around, it return 1 on failure and 0 if all is well.

int rename(string oldpath, string newpath);
int rm(string path);
    if (rm("myfile"))
        write("Ok, removed.\n");
        write("Sorry, no go.\n");

    if (rename("myfile", "yourfile"))
        write("Nope, still the same...\n");

The internal editor 'ed' is actually an efun that operates on a file. You can use it for whatever purpose you like, but keep in mind that most people don't really know how to use it. Also remember that the efun ed() can be used to create new files and edit old as per the privileges defined by the object. You can provide a function pointer to a function that will be called on termination of the efun. If you don't provide a filepath, the user will be expected to give the path and name of the file from within the editor.

void ed(void|string path, void|function exit_func);

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