No wonder people leave.

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Re: No wonder people leave.

Post by Celephias » 17 Nov 2010 22:44

While I'd like to believe in Cherek's argument, the fact of the matter is that there is a level of responsibility that the players themselves should have. This responsibility can also be enhanced/enforced by guild leadership for the RP and image that a guild wants to have.

I've been in two OCC guilds my whole time in Genesis - first the Mystics, then the Morgul Mages. In my opinion, both guilds had the leadership that succeeded in creating the right kind of environment for 'good game citizenship'. Apparently at some point this fell apart for MM, but I believe the guild is back on track. This return to sensibility is one of the reasons I took the robe out of mothballs ;-)

The leadership of guilds hold some responsibility for the behavior of their members. You really have to boot the people that don't exhibit your values.

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Re: No wonder people leave.

Post by Cherek » 18 Nov 2010 11:29

Well, abusing game mechanics or whatever is called is still a rule. Sure, if you find some obvious loophole and abuse it, it is abuse still.

But that wasnt what I meant. I meant if you get say a stat cloud ability and use it as it was meant it cant be "abuse". If it is too powerful, well then its the wizard's fault. Not the player. Players are players, they are not be judge what is correctly coded or balanced. We assume if its in the game, its supposed to be this way. Unless it extremely obvious. Like finding a place where you can buy unlimited amounts of an NPC and kill them for ogre skulls. That is a very clear loophole that any players really should understand. *nudge certain player*.:)

But if I go around blocking people as a knight and killing them I should not suddenly be punished because the block ability was not meant to be used to kill people. Uh... but you gave me a pvp-kill ability, and then you say its abuse to use it? Similar things are not the fault of the player imho.

Laurel: If people were really deleted for bouncing, yes I do think it was wrong and the fault of the wizard rather than the player. I always bounced and I always assumed if you shouldnt be allowed to bounce, they should make it impossible to bounce by code. And they did in some places, which imho is the much better solution that to add a rule against bouncing.

Celephias: While I agree with you completely, there will always be players who are not "responsible". Thus I think the underlying code in the game shuld as much as possible be created in a way so that you cant abuse things even if you wanted to. If MMs go bananas and kill everyone on sight the council and its players should indeed be worried about the reputation of the guild, etc. But they should not have to worry about if stat cloud (or whatever spell) is too overpowerd. That should never be the responsibility of a player imho. (which was the original discussion I replied too).

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Re: No wonder people leave.

Post by Recoba » 18 Nov 2010 16:47

I agree with Cherek all the way.

If an ability is not meant to be used in certain places, or meant to be used only infrequently or in some circumstances, then these things are easily controlled by a few lines of LPC code. Players should always be able to assume that they are allowed to use their specials and spells creatively and freely withing the game's rules.

While players obviously need to moderate their behavior thinking of harassment, respect for roleplaying, bug abuse and other concerns, guessing at a wizard's unspoken (and uncoded) intentions should not be a thing the players have to worry about when preparing for combat. It just leads to unnecessary paranoia and also encourages a lot of OOC whining and negativism, neither of which helps the game.

Another thing completely is that you might ruin yours and your guild's prestige, political standing and status if you are perceived as behaving crazy. This may of course be both unfortunate and entertaining :)

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Re: No wonder people leave.

Post by Amberlee » 21 Nov 2010 16:46

Celephias wrote:While I'd like to believe in Cherek's argument, the fact of the matter is that there is a level of responsibility that the players themselves should have. This responsibility can also be enhanced/enforced by guild leadership for the RP and image that a guild wants to have.

I've been in two OCC guilds my whole time in Genesis - first the Mystics, then the Morgul Mages. In my opinion, both guilds had the leadership that succeeded in creating the right kind of environment for 'good game citizenship'. Apparently at some point this fell apart for MM, but I believe the guild is back on track. This return to sensibility is one of the reasons I took the robe out of mothballs ;-)

The leadership of guilds hold some responsibility for the behavior of their members. You really have to boot the people that don't exhibit your values.

From what i understand the Morgul Mages extremely rarely boot people ;)
Though i can understand being stuck on Servant for 1+ year can become rather boring ;p
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